Re: Question about Bedini

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 07 Apr 2000 21:58:35 -0500

Hi Mathri et al!

Richard Trivaneant asked this to be posted to the list, so
here it is;

Subject: Question about Bedini
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 15:17:47 CDT
From: "Richard Trivangeant"
To: Jerry Decker

Jerry: If you could post this to the Keelynet/Escribe forum
on my behalf I would appreciate it. Thanks, Richard

Regarding "Question about Bedini" posted by Mark van

Mark raises a good question, which John Bedini can perhaps
address with a suggestion.

But also check out his original north pole motor design, as
well as the Adams type motor, at this link:

You will see he uses a Hall-effect sensor which provides
some isolation from the coil firing circuit.

Now, I agree that, as much as possible, we should follow
Bedini's suggestion to follow his construction details

But in order for these small demonstrator motors to give an
effective demonstration of the O/U effect, I am now
beginning to wonder if some sort of auto-recharge circuit
should be added--instead of depending upon manual exchange
of the two batteries.

(see circuit at the bottom of this web page:)

Or, could the recharge capacitor be discharged automatically
to the SAME battery in between motor firing pulses?

To do either of these jobs automatically and with a minimal
amount of loss, another trigger magnet/Hall effect sensor
combination could be added.

The sensor would then drive a transistor. Power transistors
which can handle the voltage stored in the photoflash
capacitor are easy enough to come by.

Perhaps Mr. Bedini would care to contribute his thoughts
about this in a post to the forum?


> mathri wrote:
> Hi all,
> First i would like to thank everyone who helped me with the wire
> conversion, Thanks again. Second sorry sorry sorry for misspelling
> Bedini. I built the motor and it runs like the wind.

> but here's my question when run at high rpm some wierd harmonics
> go on in the coil, i was measuring the trigger coil on the scope
> and when it reached high rpm the trigger impulses became eratic,
> my firt reaction was to adjust my scope,s trigger level
> this didn,t help somehow it can't seem to lock on anymore
> motor was running fine during this my scope works fine at
> low rpm it's a 100mhz scope so it should be able to get
> the pulses.

> Can anyone help me explain this?

> by the way i tested my scope afterwards on a single
> generator it was fine.
> P.s ignore any spelling errors my english is a bit rusty
> Regards
> Mark van tinteren.

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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