RE: Question about the aether

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 10:41:22 -0400

Aw Jer,
It almost sounds like you hate education cause if you know
to many physical laws, professors, you will not be able to 'tinker'
anymore? Or is it your afraid that if you get a PhD that you may
have a burning desire to find the 'missing' laws that make overunity
come true? Or is it you may get hassled too much?

Most people who seek degrees have a desire to know 'why' things
work. One person puts it like this... highschool is where you
learn 'how' things work (laws I guess), and college is where
you learn 'why' things work.. more mental thinking instead of
verbatim learning. Now Master and PhD degrees is where you
work almost by yourself in an area where very little is known
about something.. and do a project to expand on the area of interest.

Knowing that something is not going to work from education sure helps
when assessing or experimenting. Sort of like History.. if it has
been tried and did not work, why would you want to retry the same
experiments UNLESS your education in that area leads you to some
other hypothesis that makes you think something was overlooked.

>Some of us are working to make it so in our lifetimes, even
>though it requires our own meager resources...while many of
>you guys get grants, labs and support to allow you to do it
>fulltime, yet you get 'stuck' in 'laws', completely
>oblivious and disparaging of what you can't yet measure,
>even the ideas....puzzling...while we discuss and correlate
>and some of us do simple table top experiments to at least
>TRY to discover the secrets.

Grants and research work FURTHERS new laws, as it is basic
research.. which means that it has NOT been done before, maybe
based on expansion of laws but basic 6.1 R&D grants are pure theory!
This theory can not be 'the old laws' or it would not be
research. And in order to know that it is NOT the old laws
one has to know the old laws. Sort of like a kid in first
grade saying proudly that he can multiply 2 time 2 which is
4. If he never learned how to multiply (laws) he may some
day say that 2 times 2 is 8? To us that is pure stupid but
to this person it is not. All relative I guess, depends on
how you look at education. I would not want anyone to look
at education as preventing one conduct research. But when
someone says to me 2 times 2 is 8, I am have to say something.
Now you can VALIDLY state that 2 times 2 is 8, whenever it is
not 4! <g>

>I know, get a PhD and join the herd...I'll pass...don't like
>what I've experienced and peer pressure as well as threat of
>cancelling funding if I DARED to investigate anything not
>approved as orthodox...don't upset the applecart, the worms
>might get out...<g>...

Those people are the ones to feel sorry for, but not all
PhD's are devoted to the all mighty dollar, and thank goodness.
That is still no reason to NOT become educated or to join a
herd. Heck Keelyneters are a 'herd' in and of themselves.

>Such a simple experiment the TOMI, simple to
>construct, full details of the first TOMI by the inventor
>are at;
>build it and you'll of several things that just
>don't 'fit' 'laws'...

I have built a TOMI 1, and in the process of building some
equations that make it possible to allow for this process.
It is fairly straight forward. The method that it uses is
a differential free magnetic field (B-Field) but the one
are I am have trouble addressing is the drop area where it
leaves the concentrated magnetic field. Still working it though.

What I could use is some help in proofing the equations that addresses
the Faraday generator which could maybe be made to produce overunity
if the equations proof out. In my field I first like to make up
a hypothesis and then conduct experiments around that. My web
site (1997) never was finished and left it with some errors in
relating kinetic energy to potential energy. I might add gross
errors? 95,000% overunity? <g> However, if someone can complete
the equations and address friction energy loss and relate it
to normal operational parameters, then maybe this generator can
be built. One can build many many many Faraday generators and
not get overunity, why not look at the physical laws first and
see if there is potential in allowing 'free energy'.

v/r Ken Carrigan

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