Re: Question about the aether

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 04 Apr 2000 15:04:19 -0500

Hi Peter et al!

So you think this is all about trying to convince mainstream
scientists??? Really?? LOL

To my view, I couldn't care less if scientists are
'convinced' or not...the goal is discovery and working
devices that use the aether/zpe.

I do care if I am convinced and if I am SO convinced by an
experiment that is BASED on tapping aether/zpe, that I can
make it work everytime, then pass that information to others
who can also duplicate it and EXPAND ON IT to produce useful
technologies and products to improve the 'human

energy taps anywhere you need them without having to BURN
anything, or pipe the energy in as 'grid power',

creating a mechanical thrust by redirecting the random chaos
of zpe,

reducing gravity in a mass so that it can be easily moved
around like a giant styrofoam block at will,

the next step in gravity control would be actual levitation.

Just these two discoveries would change the world in ways I
cannot imagine. Some say instant chaos, others realize this
would be phased in over time as people become weaned off
grid power and companies begin to manufacture, sell and
continually improve the technologies.

No doubt all kinds of new laws would come into play,
especially with gravity control, since we can't have people
just flying around at will, either in personal suits or
vehicles, without being able to track and prevent midair

But all the theories and arguments about speed of light and
whether or not aether 'really' exists really don't matter
until we can prove we can detect it, then tap it as in the
Casimir experiment.

Its up to the scientists if they want to be part of it, or
wait til one or more garage experimenters releases a proof
of principle plan that anyone can download, build and prove
for themselves.

Won't it be interesting to see how fast 'the scientists and
engineers' will try to pick up on this and incorporate it as
their own, with the inevitable claims that they 'knew it all
along'...<g> couldn't POSSIBLY have been invented by
some redneck tinkering in a garage or basement with science
fair quality, homemade experiments...that would defy the
current tendencies to DISCOURAGE experimentation, discovery
only comes from universities and corporations, never by a
lone maverick researcher....surprise!!!

With all this net babble, we'll have ample documentation
showing how it came to be and possibly, in coming years,
history will be re-written to make sure the credit was taken
away from the true discoverer(s) and claimed by a university
academic or with the telephone and the

The bottomline is its not about convincing scientists, its
about discovery and implementation of practical devices that
tap into aether/ZPE as their source, free and efficient.

Peter Ammon wrote:

> It seems to me that modern aetherists are expounding an aether that is
> completely unrelated to the aether that MM searched for. (If this is wrong,
> feel free to correct me.) This also suggests that if they stopped calling
> it an aether, and disconnected their ideas from the failed theory, that
> they would be taken more seriously by mainstream scientists.

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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