Re: Bedini hand drawn motor plan

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 01:29:55 -0300

> > Perhaps, through it's connection to the universal energy Mr. Bearden refers
> > to, it falls more into the category of the Germanium diodes used in crystal
> > radios that transform radio waves into current, and the silicon diodes used in
> > solar cells to do the same with visible light.
> > The battery as an energy releasing diode... This may explain why the
> > capacitors calloway used wouldn't run the motor as the battery did.
> > They don't have the same access to this energy. All they do is collect
> > electrons.

This diode theory reminded me the work described at :

I have tried the circuit with two diodes and two transformers without success.

The author told me I had to use the transformers in "voltage mode" instead of
"current mode". I didn't understand that and asked him for more info.

Marcelo Puhl
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