Re: Bedini hand drawn motor plan

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 03 Apr 2000 22:58:28 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received this marvelous email that I think has some superb
insights, it has been forwarded to both Tom Bearden and John
Bedini for their insights and comments, this guy is really

Hope the ripoff artists don't snap to this, change the name,
try to copyright or patent it or start calling it something
different claiming they 'discovered' it and will share the
'secret' for a price..<g>..
(I wrote back to him)

Hi ****!

Excellent, very well put and correlated, I am duly
impressed!! No kidding!

Now you just brought up something that might even relate to
this....what if those spikes, which always seem to be
involved in just about every overunity and antigrav
technology mentioned, whether, electric, magnetic or even
sonic....are actually ENTRAINING aether....

And what if that entrainment is somehow reversing local time
OR acting like the MEAD patent as posted at;

to parametrically down convert aether/zpe into lower
frequencies that recharge the battery...

I'll certainly send this to Tom Bearden and John Bedini in
hopes they will CCmail us so I can post to the discussion
list...geez, if you are what is coming out of the colleges
these days...there is hope for the world


*****@*****.com wrote:
> Dear Mr. Decker,
> Please forgive the John Doe address. While I am at school it's all I have
> immediate access to right now. I am writing in regards to the long string of
> messages regarding the plans and the motor built by the ten year old girl,
> as well as a note regarding the adams motor reconstructed by Robert
> Calloway.

> On thursday last week, Bill McMurtry wrote in with a point to be made
> about the batteries used, and why did some work, others not, etc.

> The aforementioned Mr. Calloway built his adams motor and mentioned that
> capacitors don't work, but rather run down very rapidly. He said it must
> have something to do with the spikes hitting the battery that kept
> everything going.

> I was kicking ideas around last night as to why that might
> be, and I recalled something mentioned by Tom Bearden in his '93 paper on
> Free energy. He pointed out that the battery would maintain a steady EM
> POTENTIAL, to be continually replenished by the free floating energy in the
> universe, and that all that was necessary was to prevent the battery from
> chemically running itself down to the point where none of that potential
> energy could be yielded from it.

> He said that as long as that insulation could be provided (his idea was a
> conduction medium with a longer "relaxation time" used in a collector of
> sorts) that free energy would be possible.

> I began to wonder last night if people have been viewing batteries the
> wrong way. Perhaps, if Mr. Bearden is correct, and the batteries' energy
> potential can be perpetually replenished as long as electrical eqilibrium is
> avoided, then perhaps a battery is more than just a provider of electrons.

> Perhaps, through it's connection to the universal energy Mr. Bearden refers
> to, it falls more into the category of the Germanium diodes used in crystal
> radios that transform radio waves into current, and the silicon diodes used
> in solar cells to do the same with visible light.

> The battery as an energy releasing diode... This may explain why the
> capacitors calloway used wouldn't run the motor as the battery did.
> They don't have the same access to this energy. All they do is collect
> electrons.

> Perhaps, rather than "recharging" the batteries with the coils in the
> motor, the back spikes are pulling strongly enough to "un-clog" those
> parts of the battery that are responsible for channeling that energy,
> allowing the battery to continue accessing and passing on the EM potential,
> keeping it away from the deadly eqilibrium it's electrons are seeking.

> This may be why some reports have come in about some motors running off
> of dead batteries. Maybe the spikes allow the battery to re-access the
> same potential that M. Bearden refers to without having to shove electrons
> around, which could explain why the motor was powered, but no substantial
> current could be measured.

> According to M. Bearden's paper 7 years ago, it's the EM potential, rather
> than the electrons, that does all the real work... This leads me to my
> final point.

> If Mr. Bearden was right, that all we need to do is keep the battery able
> to access the EM potential that floats freely through the universe, maybe
> Bedini has discovered something better than over- unity.

> If his motor can produce the spikes necessary to keep a battery healthy
> enough to maintain access to free energy then why worry about overunity?
> He may have found a way to "maintain" a battery's access to universal
> EM potential. Rather than insulate the battery from the electrons'
> detrimental influences, he may have found a way to just clean them up
> from time to time, or continually, depending on application. Overunity
> may or may not be possible.

> I believe, if it is, that the extra energy "produced" by the motor will
> have to come from the same place that the batteries get it, which would
> be from the free energy that exists in the universe.

> Regardless, with backspike "battery maintenance", and it's ability to
> renew access to free energy, Mr. Bedini won't need overunity anymore.

> Unfortunately, I'm afraid I fit the description of the guy who writes in
> to babble without having actually done the experiment yet. I plan on
> building one of these motors for myself when college is done for the
> semester... I'm a little busy right now.

> I would be interested to know what the esteemed Mr. Bearden had to say
> on these ideas if he has the time...obviously most or all of the ideas
> are his, and I'm probably just repeating things he's said or thought
> before.

> Maybe I'm just rearranging the puzzle pieces we all have that everyone
> else has worked so hard to come up with. But I'd be interested to know
> if he thought I was on the right track.
> Yours sincerely,
> ***** ****** (name withheld for privacy)

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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