Re: Re: Bedini hand drawn motor plan

Hans von Lieven ( )
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 8:40:6 +1000

G'day all,

For what it is worth I would like to add my own two cents worth to the discussion.

I have seen John Bedini's creations on his website and I like the loving way in which he constructs his devices.
In my view he is a talented and diligent experimenter. However, he appears to shoot himself in the foot

It would have been more helpful to publish clear photographs of the little girl's device, perhaps with a ruler in the
picture giving some idea of dimensions. Also, if the type of battery used is critical, it should be stated what type
and brand of battery is required. The statement that the device runs at 4000 rpm is also not helpful, typo or not,
and should be corrected.

In the handdrawn plans the magnets are fastened between two rotor disks. At these speeds the turbulence
caused by the leading and trailing edges of the magnets would howl like an ambulance siren, not to mention the
drag that would disintegrate the device before the centrifugal forces would.

John wants us to duplicate the device "as the inventor intended".

Well John, this is all well and good, if you would let us know what you intended. Give us some clear instructions
on how to duplicate the device and how to get it to function properly and I am sure many of us will do just that.

As it stands there are too many unanswered questions in relation to the motor for many of us to even try. Most of
us have built over the years a number of devices, only to learn we could not get them to function as claimed.

So instead of chastising us, how about releasing ALL of the information we need to succesfully duplicate your

With friendly greetings

Hans von Lieven

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