Re: Time Questions

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 06:09:30 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

With regard to time variations, gravity density and
aether entrainment, found these interesting comments;

By the time the Hafele-Keating experiment compared
traveling atomic clocks sent around the world in
opposite directions with a stay-at-home clock, an
experiment later improved upon by C.O. Alley at the
Univ. of Maryland, it was no longer considered
remarkable that the velocity effects on clocks had to
be based on speeds in the underlying inertial frame
instead of the relative velocities of the clocks.

Finally, the Global Positioning System (GPS) showed
the remarkable fact;

that all atomic clocks on board orbiting satellites
moving at high speeds in different directions could be
simultaneously and continuously synchronized with each
other and with all ground clocks.

No "relativity of simultaneity" corrections, as
required by SR, were needed.

This too seemed initially to falsify SR.

But on further inspection, continually changing
synchronization corrections for each clock exist such
that the predictions of SR are fulfilled for any local
co-moving frame.

To avoid the embarrassment of that complexity, GPS
analysis is now done exclusively in the Earth-centered
inertial frame (the local gravity field).

And the pre-launch adjustment of clock rates to
compensate for relativistic effects then hides the
fact that

SLOWER THAN GROUND CLOCKS if not rate-compensated for
their orbital motion, and that no reciprocity would
exist when satellites view ground clocks.
overview of time dilation, gravity and atomic clocks;

Relative to the atomic time scale of the U.S. Naval
Observatory, the flying clocks lost 59+/-10
nanoseconds during the eastward trip and gained
273+/-7 nanosecond during the westward trip, where the
errors are the corresponding standard deviations.


They made airline flights around the world in both
directions, each circuit taking about three days. They
carried with them four cesium beam atomic clocks. When
they returned and compared their clocks with the clock
of the Observatory in Washington, D.C., they had
gained about 0.15 microseconds compared to the ground
based clock.


Hafele and Keating predicted a time difference of 144
ns on an eastward flight around the world for which
the flight time was 41.2 hours. This corresponds to an
average height of 8900 m, a reasonable flight altitude
for a commercial airline.

The time shift is positive (aging faster) for both
eastward and westward flights. The predicted value of
179 ns for the westward flight of 48.6 hours duration
corresponds to an average altitude of about 9400


For travel eastward, v has a positive sign and the
shift will be negative (aging more slowly). But for a
westward flight the time shift is positive (aging
faster). Hafele and Keating predicted time shifts of
-184 ns for an eastward flight around the world and a
shift of +96 for a westward flight.
relativity glitches;

Michelson himself always favored the entrainment
interpretation and in 1925 performed an experiment in
conjunction with Gale to detect the "wind" due to the
Earth's rotation (which the fields are not expected to

Not only did they detect it, but they were able to
calculate the Earth's rotation accurately from the
result. This fact is simply ignored by the reigning

Also ignored are results of stellar aberration
observations, which contradict relativity; the
Hafele-Keating experiment of flying cesium atomic
clocks around the world,

in which the west-bound clock ran faster, not slower;

GPS satellite transmissions, which routinely correct
for differences in signal propagation speed that
relativity says shouldn't happen;

and laser-ring aircraft gyros, which seem to show
light going around faster in one direction than in the
GPS & relativity;

General Relativity (GR) predicts that clocks in a
stronger gravitational field will tick at a SLOWER

(makes sense because of higher gravity slowing the
mechanical system of a clock but that isn't really

Special Relativity (SR) predicts that moving clocks
will appear to tick slower than non-moving ones.

Remarkably, these two effects cancel each other for
clocks located at sea level anywhere on Earth.

So if a hypothetical clock at Earth’s north or south
pole is used as a reference,

a clock at Earth’s equator would tick slower because
of its relative speed due to Earth’s spin,

but faster because of its greater distance from
Earth’s center of mass due to the flattening of the

Because Earth’s spin rate determines its shape, these
two effects are not independent, and it is therefore
not entirely coincidental that the effects exactly
cancel. The cancellation is not general, however.

Clocks at any altitude above sea level do tick faster
than clocks at sea level; and clocks on rocket sleds
do tick slower than stationary clocks.

Michelson-Morley expected the Earth's velocity to
affect the speed of light because it affected
aberration. But it didn't.

If these experimenters had realized that the AETHER
have been surprised.

It might have helped their understanding to realize
that Earth's own Moon does not experience aberration
as the distant stars do, but only the much smaller
amount appropriate to its small speed through the
Earth's gravity field.

In LR, the answer is simple: The Earth frame at the
outset, and the dominant local gravity field in
general, constitutes a preferred frame.

So the high-speed traveler always comes back younger,
and there is no true reciprocity of perspective for
his or other frames.

The reciprocity of frames required by SR when Einstein
assumed that all inertial frames were equivalent
introduces a second effect on "time" in nature that is
not reflected in clock rates alone.

We might call this effect "time slippage" so we can
discuss it. Time slippage represents the difference in
time for any remote event as judged by observers (even
momentarily coincident ones) in different inertial

In SR, speed causes changes in time and space
themselves, not just in clocks and rulers. Rest mass
remains unchanged, but resistance to acceleration
increases toward infinity as speed approaches c. There
is no absolute time or space in the universe. The time
at remote locations depends on what frame one observes
from. All frames are equivalent.

In LR, speed relative to the preferred frame (the
local gravity field) causes clocks to slow and rulers
to contract.

Electromagnetic-based forces become increasingly less
efficient with increasing speed relative to the
preferred frame, and approach zero efficiency as speed
approaches c. There are natural, physical reasons why
these things should be so. [2] The frame of the local
gravity field acts as a preferred frame. Universal
time and remote simultaneity exist.

The single most important difference is that,

in SR, nothing can propagate faster than c in forward

In LR, electromagnetic-based forces and clocks would
cease to operate at speeds of c or higher. But no
problem in principle exists in attaining any speed
whatever in forward time using forces such as gravity
that retain their efficiency at high speeds.


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