Re: Time Questions

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sat, 01 Apr 2000 01:50:26 -0500

Hi Jerry,
Very intriguing and thought provoking questions. I myself have never
heard the time is gravity theory (actually, I have seen that statement, but
never new what it actually meant). The only theory I was aware of relating
to time differences when travelling in space was that of Relativity and
time slowing down as speed increases, or as you approach the speed of light
(which I don't want to get into at the moment). But I can say that I was
able to follow your logic, and if true, your communications system idea
should be possible. It makes sense because speed is nothing more than
distance over time. One thing though... You would think that if this was
the case, that we would have seen more evidence of it. With the recent
missions to Mars, etc., wouldn't that have effected the transmissions
sent from Mars back to Earth, and thus been detected (then again, it is
possible that if such things were detected that we would not be informed
anyway). Either way, experiments should be able to prove/disprove this.
One such experiment would be, to take something with a known short life
span, like that of a fruit fly of something similar, and put it on the
moon. By that theory, it's life span should be significantly lengthened.
Of course there would be other things to consider, including speed
differences (as in Relativity), but it would at least move us closer to
proving/disproving such things. Either way, it is an interesting subject,
and I look forward to reading what other people have to say about it.


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