Re: Time Questions

cer56 ( )
Sat, 01 Apr 2000 00:21:19 -0700

Hi Jerry!

Time is only related to gravity in the extreme sense; example: in a
black hole you might experience altered time.

Gravity is directly related to the total mass. The moon has 1/6 the
mass of the earth and therefore 1/6 of the gravity, time flow is
unaffected in any observable way. In a black hole the extreme large
amount of accumulated mass creates a vacuum like vortex that not even
light can escape. Under these extreme conditions time is also altered.

In my own research I came to the conclusion that time is directly
related to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. I was surprised and
pleased to find evidence just a few weeks ago that the current concept
of time in western science was based upon this very precept, and it was
formulated by a British Astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington. The one way
movement of time mirrors the one way flow of entropy in the greater
Universe. The rate of flow of time like other universal constants
varies only slightly throughout the greater Universe and appears as a
constant to all relative observers in the same referential frame, much
as gravity is a constant throughout the Universe.

Fundamental constants can be viewed also as constraints or limits. With
out these fundamental constants the universe would be too unstable to
build upon in any practical sense.

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity predicts that if you could
travel the speed of light or very near it you could alter the rate of
flow of time. The closer you come to the speed of light the slower time
would flow for the passenger relative to the average rate of time
experienced by an observer say on Earth. This is consistent with the
Second Law of Thermodynamics. Time therefore is not just a made up
concept for man's convenience but a fundamental property of the
Universe! Man's internal biological clock is therefore a mechanism that
is once again very fundamental not just to life, but, a basic property
of the Universe itself.

The following is a short paper I submitted last year:


Hi Warren and Everyone!

I have been asking the question "What is Time?" for many Years.

Time like Gravity is still undefined officially.

Time seems intimately connected to what Physics or Thermodynamics refers
to as Entropy. Entropy being the increase in disorder that takes place
in any physical process or chemical process; this being characterized by
a loss of heat into the universe at large. I believe that Entropy is in
a sense, a
measure of Time, that clocks on the surface in only one direction as
Time does.

Any understanding that we have of Science comes through very strict
definition of terms.

Time might then initially be defined as the average or mean increase in
disorder of energy in space. This could then be considered in different
size volumes and would allow for Time to vary slightly according to
different dispersions of Energy in Space.

dt = K dE/dV might be
an initial starting point.
dt = differential or
small unit of time
dE = change of Energy
dV = small unit Volume of
K = a possible
constant(as needed)

Hence the cycling of Time would be dependent upon the average or mean
ratio of the density or amount of Energy confined in a given Volume of
Space during its dispersion.

Energy Concentration in a given Volume of Space Seems to be related to
Temperature as Well.

This phenomena seems to be born out in Human experience. Young children
have a higher average temperature and Time seems to be moving faster
subjectively. As we age our internal clock or sense of Time seems to
slow down as our average body temperature decreases. The older we get
the greater the disorder we experience in the body as well, until
complete disorder and death
occurs, resulting in a final cooling to the ambient Temperature of the
surrounding universe.

My most current theory sees the Universe or Third Dimension of
Energy/Space being enclosed in a gigantic Magnetic Bubble. Its as if
the Universe is a giant singularity like an instrument, say a guitar
being strummed. This Process or waveform of the strumming then inturn
controls the interaction of
Energy /Matter in Space resonating in complex interference/fractal
patterns, which intern controls the average or mean dispersion of Energy
in Space. This cyclic strumming would then be called Time as it
interacts with the Three Space universe. Entropy would then be the
direct result of this strumming or cycling that we would call Time.

I would suggest that this Time/Strumming is a Non-Third Dimensional
energy such as a Scalar Energy Wave that would act directly and
indirectly upon the Universe/Singularity Magnetic Bubble as if through
sympathetic resonance, and Holographically upon each particle of matter
in the universe. The creation, birth or entry of an object into Three
Space would then impart a charactoristic Imprint pattern upon such a
Matter/Energy form directly related to its position in Three Space and
the charactoristic Energy/Space dispersion/interference patterns
relative to its position. This Imprinting
would in turn be down to the quantum level and beyond.

I have not found any information to alter or change this conception of
time. In addition I have come to the conclusion that under very special
circumstances time travel, the slowing, stopping, or reversal of time
should be theoretically feasable.


"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I'd like to ask a question about time and see if anyone has
> any thoughts, insights or links to information that might
> relate, either refuting or supporting these UNPROVEN
> contentions.
> Keely wrote that 'time is gravity' indicating that the
> greater the gravity, the faster the flow of time, where time
> could be detected by the clocking of matter, from birth to
> maturation to death.
> ASSUMING this is true...
> We are told that the moon is 1/6 of earth gravity, so if you
> weigh 180 pounds on earth, on the moon you would only weigh
> 30 pounds.
> (6 X 30 moon gravity = 180 earth gravity)
> You are thus lighter on the moon.
> IF gravity is flowing SLOWER on the moon then so is time.
> That means an hour on earth would equal 10 minutes on the
> moon.
> (10 minutes moon time X 6 = 1 hour earth time)
> Is this correct?
> That means each planet would have different gravities and
> different time scales relative to each other, possibly using
> the local sun as a master reference for a given solar
> system.
> In open space, though they claim you are 'technically in
> free fall'....
> The truth of the matter would be that there is no gravity,
> thus no time. Well, ok, very slight gravity, so very slow
> time.
> That's why the theory says if you travel in space for a few
> months, when you come back to earth 100 years have passed.
> You have only aged for the few months you were gone, while
> everyone you knew is either very old or very dead.
> Is this correct?
> That means If you could slow time down in a given area, you
> would create the equivalent of a variable 'stasis field' to
> observers from outside this area, possibly even disappearing
> from their perception because light and energy entering this
> zone would also be affected.
> Where, depending on the density of this local time field,
> you could create a lagging time zone where you could spend 1
> hour, age 1 hour, perceive just 1 hour,
> yet, when you reduce and shutdown the field (notice, not
> instantly shut it off),
> you would resume the time stream and speed of the earth
> which would have passed a year or even a hundred years,
> depending on the density of your lagging field and how long
> you stayed in there.
> Is this correct?
> That means by DECREASE gravity and thus SLOW time, you
> create a stasis field or outright disappearance to outside
> observers.
> The opposite of that would be if you INCREASE gravity and
> thus SPEED up time, where you would again disappear to
> outside observers as you are moving too fast for their
> perceptions. YOU THUS AGE FASTER, are subect to MORE WEIGHT
> and EXPERIENCE MORE PERCEPTIONS during that time so that
> when you exit this speeded up zone, you have aged while
> others have simply clocked along at the normal earth rate.
> Much like the Dorian Gray effect. So you would die a little
> faster with respect to everyone else everytime you used
> this.
> Would that also follow??
> I can't find any flaw in this and part of it is posted at;
> Thinking about coupling of resonant bodies, with the
> mysterious conduit or channel that springs up between them,
> AND, thinking of it taking 20 minutes to send a signal to
> Mars (with Mars being much larger than earth, therefore with
> higher gravity and FASTER time), then 20 minutes to get a
> signal back,
> WHAT IF, you could adjust the local gravity of the radio or
> video transceivers on each planet so that they MATCHED,
> one on Mars, the other on earth and resonantly coupled by
> virtue of an identical gravity synchrony? It could be a
> faster than light communication system.
> --
> KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science
> Jerry W. Decker -
> discussion archives
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741
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