Re: Lee Crock Aura Healing update

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 16:57:30 -0800 (PST)

Hi Ren et al!

Sounds like high blood pressure to me...<g>..just
kidding...yes, I've done something similar with the
Schieleren system that lets you see heat waves rising
from the body as well as looked through Kilner
goggles, but I think without some degree of
QUANTIFICATION, measuring in calibrated values, that
we open ourselves up to flakes and con artists
claiming they have a gift.

I had my fill of that years ago when trying to extract
useful ANYTHING from the new
channels and psychics who spouted love and light all
the time, never offering anything of value or use and
above all specifics..

So a camera that was calibrated and reliable is far
preferred to human variables...I wouldn't want to
stick my tongue to an electrical device and estimate
the current...<g>..

I would love to be able to see a live, realtime
imaging of the aura of anyone to clearly show the
changes when under the influence of various fields and
treatments, including herbs, food, etc....

So much of this stuff won't ever be of use unless it
can be made reliable...and to my view, we first have
to qualify the process or technique then implement it
in hardware or procedure, then establish metrics so
that the process can be monitored, measured and
accurately mapped and tracked...

--- MARINUS BERGHUIS <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The screen as proposed by Lee I would have thought
> is simply that the body becomes the dielectric
> polarised. I have done aura healing which is called
> here faith healing and in fact does the same thing
> as his screens do.....


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