Lee Crock Aura Healing update

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 01:36:22 -0600

Hi Folks!

Lee Crock very kindly sent me two copies of his pamphlet on
aura healing and a copy of the patent as posted at;


The pamphlet has many of his ideas spelled out as well as
some anecdotes from people who wrote in stating their
problem was resolved. I plan to ask Lee if I can post that
pamphlet online but I'd certainly want him to approve it
first. There are a couple of duplicate pages and statements
in the pamphlet and it would be a nice thing to type it all
up and print it out, all organized, indexed and paged, send
him the master and the file as a .DOC so he could make other
copies as needed. I think we could add some additional
material that might back up his claims.

I have a lady friend who has cancer and so does one of her
beloved dogs. Both she and the dog have massive medical
information showing all the details so I plan to build one
of the machines and give it to her to use. She has agreed
to report back and even get a checkup to see if there are
changes that can be measured.

As much as I admire Lee for sharing all his work, and the
very interesting theories...as with so many other claims,
knowing people who have died trusting in such methods and
completely failing to be tested before, during and after, I
think my lady friend would provide a great proof because of
all this documentation.

At this point, I'm trying to find a cheap, easily available
timer that anyone can purchase which would trigger the DPDT
(double pole, double throw) relay which alternately switches
the battery polarity every 15 minutes. Basically when the
power to the relay is off, the polarity would be say
positive on the top mesh screen and negative on the bottom.
When the timer kicks in it cause the relay to switch the
contacts so that now the top mesh becomes negative and
bottom mesh becomes negative. There should also be a master
switch to disconnect power from the battery bank of ten 1.5
volt DC 'D' cell batteries as well as power to run the

Anyway, the booklet is interesting and it focuses on Lees'
contention that the aura is actually being energized to
assist in healing.

It did not state the nature of the camera that was used for
his aura photographs, but he does mention Kilner screens
(dicyanin dye treated glass screens) and Kirlian photography
to produce the pictures, even including one showing a chunk
missing out of the aura where illness occurs in the body in
that area, then another photo of himself with a fully blown

Now, the guys who have been working with the inert gas tubes
by Cooke/Hilarion/Fox might have some additional things to
say about this, but in the book 'Einstein doesn't live here
anymore', they mention using psychics who could see the aura
envelope around people. They say they can use one or more
of these inert gases under pressure in these tubes, to
'sculpt' and cut away the aura around a person which later
alters the physical form.

It is an amazing claim and that's why I'd like to know what
kind of camera Lee is using. Probably the one that uses the
half mirror and LCD where a photo is taken of a person
sitting in a chair, with their hands connected to plates so
that the acupuncture points on the hands contact electrodes
that measure their energy. This influences the LCD screen
whose image blends via the half mirror to be added to the
real light photo of the person, producing a cloud around
them that is claimed to be the aura.

Now, I believe it Terry Bastian who brought up the
connection between electro poration as being relevant to
this Crock treatment system.

I have been thinking about this ever since the call from
Lee, sorry Terry, takes me awhile to 'snap' to some
things..<g>...but I just can't see any kind of current or
energy flow between two mesh screens that are insulated from
the person by a mattress pad and a blanket or pillow.

Lee says in his book that a mesh screen should be placed
under the mattress pad, then covered with a sheet. The
person lays on the sheet and covers themselves with a
blanket on which the other mesh screen is placed, with both
screens connected to the machine that is plugged into the
wall to provide power for the timer...the batteries provide
the DC field between the mesh pads.

I can't see how that would do anything UNLESS there is some
unknown phenomena going on here as Lee claims where the
energy from these two mesh screens (like EEMAN screens)
interacts with the aura.

There IS a correlation to this because some of David Hudsons
claims HINGE on this where he says the aura is a Meissner
field that is produced as a side effect of
superdconductivity in the cells. The more superconductive
the cells are, the stronger and larger and
'brighter'/healthier will the aura be.

Yes, it also ties in to the Dotto Ring which claims to
unspin DNA to allow healing and rejuvenation...how? By
producing a 30,000 amp magnetic field with almost no
voltage, i.e. superconducting....which is SLOWLY swept over
the body.

Isn't that incredible? I think it adds greatly to Lee's
claims that three others (Cooke, Hudson, Dotto) also have
similar claims but using completely different methods, that
the aura can be energized.

Anyway, I am sending this to Lee hoping he will give me
permission to post his manual online and I'd like to tie in
these other claims and let him approve it before being
posted, then send him the full .doc and perfect copy so he
can update his manual.

Aura manipulation has always been highly questionable to my
view because there is no reliable method to document any
changes or provide consistent photos showing changes....at
least that I am aware of...a friend and I had $25 photos
made using that half silver technique but I think because
there are way too many factors involved, moisture on the
palms, ambient temperature, respiration, even galvanic and
nervous responses that could skew the image....now if the
effect could be produced using a live video which has
fantastic possiblities, then you could do realtime video and
simply average the images over a 5 minute period or so to
get a 'steady state' image that could be useful.

So far, haven't found an easily available timer that would
work but I've not looked in all the places I have in mind,
including Radio Shack, Walmart, places that ANYONE could
find the same or similar parts....nothing is worse than
requiring custom built or highly technical or expensive
components...with the Crock Aura system, its just D cells in
parallel and a 15 minute timer.

It would be great to be able to take photos of peoples auras
in realtime while they were being treated, maybe as time
lapse to show a clear effect when the machine is being used,
before, during and after.

I was thinking using Kilner screen with a video camera,
possibly irradiating the person with infrared or ultraviolet
light to heighten the effect or just using the screen and
video with the signal going through a program that would
allow realtime processing of parameters such as contracts,
coloration, filters, etc..kind of like Adobe Photoshop and
other software that allows you to alter images in unique

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - http://www.keelynet.com/discussion archives http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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