Re: Bedini hand drawn motor plan

Bill McMurtry ( (no email) )
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 15:10:47 +1000

Hi Juan,

You're spot on. Newmans motor also uses switched inductances and batteries.
Once again we have the 'battery charge effect' rearing its mysterious head!

Jerry stated, "There is one thing that could be related to this...the reason
batteries 'die' is because the plates become sulphated over time and lose
their charge capacity. You can scrape the plates or apply a chemical that
will remove the sulphation though by using a 3.3 mhz freq in a specific
waveshape, you can cause the sulphates to redissolve back into the sulfuric
acid, thus cleaning the plates electronically".

It would be an interesting experiment to take a flat, sulphated lead/acid
battery, treat it with an appropriate 3.3 MHz frequency, and see if this
treatment process results in a charged (or even partially charged) battery.

Anyone here on the list have experience with this battery cleaning process?

Regards, Bill.

----- Original Message -----
From: Juan de la Cruz Barrios <>
To: Bill McMurtry <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: Bedini hand drawn motor plan

I could add the arc generated in a conmutator type of switch could
collaborate in recharging the battery as in the Newman motor. You should
know the anomalous effects observed in arcs by several researchers.

Good luck to you too, Juan.

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