Re: Zero Point

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:52:43 -0800 (PST)

Hi Norm!

That's what is confusing, maybe it's a loose fit value

1000.00 kelvin = 1340.33 deg Fahrenheit
1000.00 kelvin = 726.85 deg Celsius

A decent chart for the electromagnetic spectrum;

A singularity as Hudson describes is a standing wave
or a soliton.

The casimir test was 5 atoms apart which is about 14
angstroms which means one atom is about 2.8 angstroms

One atom is 10 to the minus 10 meters in diameter.
One nanometer is 10 to the minus 9th meters.

One angstrom is 0.0000000001 meters wide
One tera hertz (THZ) is 1,000,000,000,000 hertz
One angstrom is one THZ.

Red light is 7800-6220 angstroms.
Green light is 5770-4920 angstroms.
Violet light is 4550-3900 angstroms.

Visible Ultraviolet is 200-780 nanometers.

Hudsons resonance wave is spaced the distance of 6.3
atoms separating them which is 17.64 angstroms wide.

The rainbow of colors we know as visible light is the
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with
wavelengths between 400 and 700 billionths of a meter
(400 to 700 nanometers).

Ultraviolet radiation has a range of wavelengths from
400 billionths of a meter to about 10 billionths of a

X-rays are high energy waves which have great
penetrating power...the wavelength range is from about
ten billionths of a meter to about 10 trillionths of a


the Casimir spacing is the width of 5 atoms, about 14
angstroms and in the UV region


Hudson's resonance wave which is 6.3 atoms apart,
about 17.64 angstroms wide.

....the Planck frequency which is around 10 to the 43rd

To summarize, the experimental evidence for the
existence of ZPE is:

1) the Casimir Effect,
2) the Lamb shift,
3) Van der Waal's forces,
4) diamagnetism,
5) spontaneous emission,
6) microdegree liquid Helium,
7) quantum noise and most recently,
8) cosmological antigravity.

Awaiting experimental verification is that inertia and
gravity are also proof of ZPE...


--- Norman Wootan <> wrote:
> Now if you pick up the electro-magnetic spectrum and
> you look at it you'll find absorption spectroscopy
> and emission spectroscopy all on the same chart.
> But they're not exactly the same, they're slightly
> offset because it's a logarithmic chart and where
> this turns around and goes back is where the
> electro-magnetic zero point is and it just happens
> to be dead center where these two won't reconcile.
> You get a singularity. It's where it literally
> turns around nd starts to come back and at the
> point where it perfectly turns there's actually a
> singularity. Because in reality it literally turns
> and runs off in another dimension and then comes
> out of that dimension and continues on. The two
> miss each other by Planck's frequency, they don't
> touch. ( end quote.)
> I have a large Electromagnetic Spectrum Chart that I
> got from Edmund's Scientific. On it the two halves
> of the spectrum come together but do not touch
> exactly at the 1000 degree Kelvin line which is by
> the way the frequency of water (H2O) and oxygen 10
> to the 14th in frequency. I checked all this out
> back 5 years ago after we had attended David
> Hudson's work shop. It is not a coincidence that
> this patent utilizes a heated path way at slightly
> above 1000 degrees F. Norm


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