Zero Point

Norman Wootan ( )
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:57:53 -0600

Now if you pick up the electro-magnetic spectrum and you
look at it you'll find absorption spectroscopy and emission
spectroscopy all on the same chart. But they're not exactly

the same, they're slightly offset because it's a logarithmic

chart and where this turns around and goes back is where the

electro-magnetic zero point is and it just happens to be
dead center where these two won't reconcile .

You get a singularity. It's where it literally turns around

and starts to come back and at the point where it perfectly
turns there's actually a singularity.
Because in reality it literally turns and runs off in
another dimension and then comes out of that dimension and
continues on. The two miss each other by Planck's
frequency, they don't touch. ( end quote.)

I have a large Electromagnetic Spectrum Chart that I got
from Edmund's Scientific. On it the two halves of the
spectrum come together but do not touch exactly at the 1000
degree Kelvin line which is by the way the frequency of
water (H2O) and oxygen 10 to the 14th in frequency. I
checked all this out back 5 years ago after we had attended
David Hudson's work shop. It is not a coincidence that this

patent utilizes a heated path way at slightly above 1000
degrees F. Norm

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