Re: hyper-light-speed

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 23:13:30 -0600

Hi Lani et al!

Just realized there was more...

The temporal shifts are theoretical at this time, but it is
an intriguing thought that the energy level (background zpe
type energy) COULD be different since, as I understand it,
generally speaking, the higher you go in frequencies, the
more energy there is because of more wave packets coming in
to deliver energy...

In this case of 1000 slices of time, it is phase shifting,
moreso thatn frequency shifting that does the trick....same
frequency, just out of kilter with what we are in...<g>..

As to more data as on a webpage about this antenna...all I
could find was what Bert originally sent as the
is relatively new...seeya! wrote:
> Jerry Decker wrote:
> That you could chop a second into 1000 slices and each of those "temporal
> slices" contains a complete other universe with different timelines.
> 1.) Am I correct in using the 1000 slices, that the energy increase would be
> doubled if you can penetrate one of those slices...using that energy for the
> increase? If this is true, doubling the amount of UV radiation exposure to
> plants would have some serious physioloical consequences.
> 2.) Is there a web page were I can go to to see the data on accelerated plant
> growth concerning this hyper-light project.
> Lani Mucha
> Austin, TX

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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