Stats arguing for alternative therapies

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 22:27:29 -0600

Hi Folks!

Bert Pool sent this amazing set of statistics that I view as
a great argument for trying out alternative therapies rather
than the orthodox.

Now, its just common sense to get a 'system status' for a
person before, during and after any given therapy. That
way, you have a of my favorite
reductionist quotes is 'equal to or better than, never

So if your checkup shows you aren't getting any better after
being on a therapy for a couple of weeks (have to give your
body time to respond), then time to move to something

I know when I try ANYTHING, food, medicine, whatever, that
relates to the body or a possible reaction, I'll try it,
then wait about 3 days and see if anything untoward
happens...if it does, then I don't do it again....cause and

In all fairness, it would be a great set of statistics to
compile how many people die AS A RESULT of alternative
therapies or treatments, not only by type but combined under
the heading of alternative.

Here are the statistics, apparently arguing for gun control
but ignoring that, look at the failure rate for doctors and
how the public seems to simply ignore this...will of god and
all that...;

Gun statistics

Some Startling Statistics...

Number of physicians in the U.S. 700,000

Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year 120,000

Accidental deaths per physician 0.171

Number of gun owners in the U.S. 80,000,000

Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups)

Accidental deaths per gun owner 0.0000188

Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more
dangerous than gun owners.

Taken from the Benton County NewsTribune on the seventeenth
of November, 1999

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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