Re: Hyper light speed antenna = Primary Energy harnessed??
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:15:58 EST

Hi folks:

I have had a first look at the patent mentioned under this thread, regarding
a method for a "tap" into a higher dimension - and the resulting ability to
communicate faster than light, and positively influence plant growth with an
energy released from this higher dimension.

The patent is found:

It uses a Tungsten Halogen lamp at it's core, and a combination of certain
magnetic and electric fields to "open a breach or hole into this higher

A Tungsten Halogen lamp uses an Inert Gas filling, with addition of a small
amount of a halogen gas (typically iodine).

The reports of a higher dimensional energy, faster than light effects, and
increased plant growth - all have similarities to the Primary Energy as
detailed on my site:

This Primary Energy is said to be a 4D waveform in the 3D matrix (the aether)
which is created by a family of Primary Points. (the 3D matrix as a whole is
caused to vibrate in the 4D direction [w] in a transverse way - thereby
causing the aether to form standing waves, and moving standing waves - which
then act to condense the aether into nucleons - and these nucleons must
remain in the low vibration "nodes" of these standing wave patterns - this
tendency is responsible for both gravity and inertia - by entrainment) ( this
higher dimension is not time - it is a spatial dimension - linear time as we
know it is a product of our limited 3D consciousness - and in this 4D realm -
linear time as we know it does not exist)

Anyway, we have done many experiments to harness this Primary Energy - as the
inert gases: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, and Xenon all contain or "mask"
one or more Primary Points. The 5 different kinds of Points have differing
frequency spectrums of this 4D waveform/energy - and in various combinations
account for the creation of all the elements.

For a more thorough treatment of the theory see my site.

We had a very powerful, and possibly dangerous anomaly some time ago when
attempting to get a "gravity beam" from the harnessing of this energy.

(the theory also indicates that this energy is responsible for the energy of
stars, our sun, and nuclear energy/explosions - so our little anomaly gave us
some grave concerns for safety - if we were close to or actually harnessed
this energy by the brute force method we used - and did not fully understand
how to control it - there could be disastrous consequences)

I do not think this particular experiment should be duplicated in the form we
did for the reasons above. But some elements of the excitation methods are
what we will be investigating.

I have not had time to post the complete details of this experiment and the
method used, to the site.

Suffice to say that it used a pure xenon short arc lamp, housed in a special
magnetic field of high strength and gradient; and the arc start pulse
provided "an accelerator" in the form of a high electric field as per the
above patent.

In the case of the anomaly - this apparatus caused a serious push to a target
mass of 1 Kg of granite; and was accompanied by an extremely bright flash of
light; and a very loud, sharp sonic report - like that of a small amount of
high explosive.

The movement of the target was on the order of 1/2" at the end of a 3' rigid
pendulum, and the control tests with only the magnetic field, or only the
lamp in operation would move the target a maximum of 0.050", as measured by a
mechanical linkage and front surface mirror/laser pointer system.

The flash of light (almost blinding through a #12 welding glass, in a full
face helmet), and sonic report were surprising, but we had long surmised that
an "unmasking" of the Primary Points would be accompanied by light.

A xenon short arc lamp contains xenon gas at high pressure, and the arc is
between tungsten electrodes. The arc temperature approaches that of the
sun's surface (5 or 6,000 K), and reaches pressures of 10 to 20 atmospheres
in a running lamp.

A Tungsten Halogen lamp contains (most do) an inert gas - typically Krypton
or Argon - and the filament reaches 3,000 K; and has running pressures of 10
plus atmospheres.

I cannot help but notice the similarities between this patent, and our
apparatus/excitation method. In addition, the higher dimensional effect, and
plant growth anomalies correspond to the bio or healing properties of this
Primary Energy.

It is certainly worth more investigation from our point of view.



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