Re: magnets

Stephen Brummitt ( )
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 11:09:55 -0500


About making magnets.

If I remember correctly, I once saw a post (probably to the Newman
list), which gave the address of the company, which made the original
production size magnets for Johnson way back when. It said that they not
only had some on the shelf; but, could manufacture more, as they still
had the jigs/molds for that design. But, I don't remember what their
price was. That may make all the difference in the world, for this
information to be of any value to you.

I will see if I still have that post in my archive.

A couple of questions -
Do you have a magnetometer? If so, how much did you pay for it? How
accurate is it? And, if it needs calibrating, how do you go about doing

I may have need for one sometime in the future. I was wondering, if you
might like to co-invent sometime?

Stephen Brummitt

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