Re: Science Fair motor runs 5 days on 9VDC battery

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 04:17:13 -0600

Hi Ren et al!

Yes, that should be $2.50....I am paying about $1.47 now for
88 octane but have long realized that in other countries,
gas is far more expensive.

For instance;

shows $1.20 per gallon in the US and highest for that
particular chart is Great Britain where they pay $4.67 per

$5.04 per gallon in Hong Kong in March 1999
Caracas, Venezuala least expensive at .48 cents per gallon


a page on why gasoline prices vary from county to county in
the US;


I understand the inflated prices are due to several kinds of
taxes added to the actual cost per barrel which runs from
$15 to $30.

This gas price inflation is a periodic eruption which
appears to be OPEC rattling our chains. One day, they will
have nothing to sell when we migrate over to electric,
hydrogen, compressed air or other engines that do not
require the burning of petroleum byproducts. My preference
would be that we develop a way to tap directly into ZPE, it
will come and probably be preceded long before with the
electric/hydrogen/air motors.

This business now with both EV Gray and the Bedini all North
pole motor that seem to regenerate and recharge the
batteries has so much potential to change so much in the

Even if its not true overunity, just highly efficiency
electric motors, as they say, 'its all good'.

The oil producers of otherwise barren countries will be in
quite a mess when they can no longer rely on oil sales for
income. You'd think if they were smart, they would be
putting all that money into trying to either develop or
squash anyone who was into free energy.

Like so many businesses these days, everyone wants a piece
of our paycheck...gas, electric, water, telephone, cable,
insurance on a monthly basis and whatever kind of control
and money they can get.

Granted, we are under the belief that we NEED these things
to live a happy and content life, but if we must have them,
it would be fantastic if we could produce our own power,
dispose of our own waste, produce our own water and become
as self sufficient as we care to put out the effort to be.

But its not only about money, but instantly stopping the
pollution that each of us generates everytime we drive from
one point to another. In fact, just living we consume and
produce waste as a byproduce. I have to admire the Indian
ideal of living with nature or at the very least, trying to
do the least amount of damage during our existence.

The Chief Seattle speech of 1854 comes to mind because one
of the many versions refers to our continued reference to
his tribe as 'savages' yet he points out all the faults of
the white man and how we rape and pillage nature, then move
on, leaving a path of destruction. It doesn't have to be
that way....try for the Hippocratic oath of 'do no harm'.

Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 01:59 AM 09/03/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >Hi Folks!
> >
> >John Bedini is up to mischief again,
> Hello All,
> I notice the end statement which said WAIT TILL GAS GOES UP TO $.50 A
> We are paying $4.71 per gallon here so now you will now why I am working on
> anything to geoff the oil train.
> Otherwise, thanks Jerry for sending this on. Make the brainbox tick over a
> little faster.
> Ren

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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