Heartmath Institute & a question

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 02 Mar 2000 03:16:58 -0600

Hi Folks!

Tom Beckman of the HeartMath Institute has joined us. A few
years ago they developed this fascinating meditation
exercise which as I remember it, relaxes each organ of the
body to reduce stress and stop potential problems.

My understanding is that organs and the body runs on clean
waves with little ripple or spikes....when you are under
stress, physically or emotionally, you cause the electrical
tone of these organs to be modulated with spikes and jerky
currents which cause a kind of fibrillation in the
organ...if these stresses are not smoothed out, the organ
can become diseased or fail...

HeatMath has actually measured before, during and after to
show that their technique does work.

Tome sent this email with a specific question in hopes
someone on this list might be able to help them, I've not
heard of it but maybe someone here has and can pass the
information to Tom or to the list where he will get it. His
email is tom@heartmath.com if you want to write direct.
Here is the email he sent;
Tom Beckman wrote:
> Jerry,
> We're still here. Most of our research the last couple of years has been applying our techniques to different populations - heart patients, school children, business people, etc, but we are ramping up basic research projects again. We've seen a lot of good results.
> We're doing HeartMath seminars around the country this year. We'll be in Dallas 5/20-23. http://www.heartmath.com/workshops.html. We were featured on Good Morning America recently for work we did with some local police departments. See http://www.heartmath.com/GMA.ram if you have RealPlayer. And we published "The HeartMath Solution" with HarperSanFrancisco, which is doing very well - it covers a lot of our science and techniques. http://www.heartmathsolution.com.
> We've developed a new product called the "Freeze-Framer: Emotional Management Enhancer" http://www.freezeframer.com that is very popular. Shows heart rate and heart "entrainment ratios" with three games. Lots of biofeedback practitioners are starting to use it, as well as educators and others.
> Rollin McCraty, Institute of HeartMath's director of research, has the following question that you and KeelyNet folks may have an answer for:
> "I'm looking for an instrument that is reported to measured subtle fields that works on a scintillation type process - you put your finger in an enclosed (dark) shroud. Have you heard anything about this?"
> If you have any ideas on this, I'd appreciate hearing them.
> Tom - tom@heartmath.com

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - http://www.keelynet.com/discussion archives http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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