RE: Heartmath Institute & a question

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 08:55:20 -0500

Tension and stress are relatives to muscles and the electrical energy
is used in biofeedback devices to have the 'mind' control or relax
the muscles energy. Scintillation is a measure of 'light' energy
or photon quantization. The only radiation that I know of that comes
from our bodies is Near IR and IR (infrared thermometers use it),
electrical energy from low frequency 'motor' stimulation, brainwave
functions which are less than 20kHz (Ms Valerie Hunt has written many
papers on this). Emission of photons from the body I have never seen,
outside of hooking oneself up to a Tesla generator while pressing
against a photographic film.

Scintillation generally involves quiet high energy (E=hv) and thus
photons are generally emitted .. like when a radioactive source emits
electrons which hit a phosphorescent element, and then energy is picked
up and measured. From that one can tell how much energy is given off.
If that is what Tom is referring to.. that we give off electrons like
a radio active source, I doubt that he'll get far.
v/r Ken

> We've developed a new product called the "Freeze-Framer: Emotional
Management Enhancer" that is very popular.
Shows heart rate and heart "entrainment ratios" with three games. Lots of
biofeedback practitioners are starting to use it, as well as educators and
> Rollin McCraty, Institute of HeartMath's director of research, has the
following question that you and KeelyNet folks may have an answer for:
> "I'm looking for an instrument that is reported to measured subtle fields
that works on a scintillation type process - you put your finger in an
enclosed (dark) shroud. Have you heard anything about this?"
> If you have any ideas on this, I'd appreciate hearing them.
> Tom -

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