Re: Jerry Jacobson vs Aging

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:59:56 -0800 (PST)

Hi Jean-Pierre et al!

Fascinating idea! Thanks for sharing the patent...I
looked it up at and found;'6,004,257'.WKU.&OS=PN/6,004,257&RS=PN/6,004,257

When considering the aging process, aging may be
thought of as a slow burn of body parts. A type of
biological fusion occurs which is similar to
thermonuclear fusion, whereby nuclei are fused forming
heavier nuclei and releasing energy. Such fusion is
responsible for radiation burns, and produces
increased scar tissue (granulation tissue).

This energy produces heat which increases the
agitation of the constituent parts of the biological
system. This agitation increases scar tissue because
the system must introduce a defensive structure to
accommodate the intrusion of increased chaos within
the statistical limits of the lattice structure so

Normal oxidation-reduction processes produce heat
which increases tendency towards chaos, anisotrophy,
and disruption of a practical level of being.

Chromosomal damage, cross-linking in chromosomes,
improper genetic information transfer and improper
structures of encoded proteins will lead to an
increase in scar tissue production.
Strangely reminscent of some of the great sci-fi and
horror stories where a person does not age or ages
much more slowly when they live in a very cold

It also sounds like the Dotto ring.

--- Jean-Pierre Lentin <>
> Hi JW & all !
> Anti-aging and electromagnetic therapies being long
> time favorites on this list, I'm happy to report
> United States Patent 6,004,257
> Method for ameliorating the aging process and the
> effects thereof utilizing electromagnetic energy


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