Persinger helmet was A new form of protein melody

Martin ( (no email) )
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 18:35:41 +0200


Below is some further info on the Persinger devices at least this gives
details of the coils. They were apparently driven with a function generator
the particulars of which aren't given. I assume this would be a sine wave
input? Any further thoughts anyone

>Unfortunately the article only gives a general description of the device. A
>kind of helmet with electromagnets.

Rostral (at nose level) to the upper half of the ear, retractable arms
were placed, each containing a 25 CM (1 CM diameter) soft iron nail wrapped
(1050 turns) with insulated wire (20 gauge).

A function generator was used to drive the solenoids with sine wave
current at either 1 HZ or 4 HZ.
Magnetic field intensity was about 15 GAUSS at the skull surface.
Field strength measured at the temporal cortex was 2 GAUSS.
Maximum field strength as measured at the level of the frontal lobes was 200
MGAUSS (a 10 factor decrease).
At the level of the hippocampus, field strength was 500 MGAUSS.
All subjects generated elaborate imaginings when exposed to a green light
flashing in sync with the driven solenoids.
4 HZ field imaginings included a sensation of rising or floating.

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