Re: "Shape Power " article and anti-gravity

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:23:29 +1300

At 14:19 28/02/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Nigel,
Hi Bill,

I did visit Robert Adams in Kawerau and spent a couple of hours discussing
his motor and plans. Bought his books and after reading them came to the
conclusion that working the way he does, no more than a 40% increase in
efficiency can be gained over a normal motor. The fact that he insisted to
keep the experimentation motors small made me wonder why. I would have
thought a man with his qualifications and connections would have produced a
25 Kw. Motor or something to prove his point.

I read the patent on the R.C.D. unit from whom I have asked for information
and a price for a 5 Kw unit.
Although it seems too good to be true, it made me think back on Hubbarts
coils and also Hans Coler's efforts.
Also the mystery cans of the Testika machine which look very much like the
patent drawings supplied but instead of standing upright, they have laid
them inside a cavity and if you look at the configuration, please look at
the generation of harmonics on an oscilloscope.
A while ago I asked on the keely net if someone could produce an oscillator
and configure reception coils to actually tap the first 4 harmonics which
are sufficiently strong to be useful.
To mix magnetic stimulation and piezo effect in conjunction with same seems
a logical way to me and if you think about Hamil's spinning magnets at a
certain resonance, here we see the heating and thus expansion of a drum
without power loss. Not done myself mind you! If this was done inside a
drum made of seperated layers, no heating would occur or very little and
you probably could take off power of some description.
Adams did achieve a measure of efficiency gain by using the back lash just
as an ignition coil gives two sparks
one under current spike and one on collapse of the field. If you do it at
slow revs, you can actually see the split spark. So there is no great
secret in that effect. Just a mind set as to how motors should be
configured for mass production. I think that our modern small D.C. motors
like in power drills give a fantastic torque for very little power and
wonder if anyone really ever bothered about what sort of efficiency those
motors run at if we were to measure the efficiency with the calorific value
Robert Adams insists on using.
I am sure 4 nicad batteries heat up very little water but manage to screw a
hell of a lot of screws before giving up.
I feel that when measuring efficiencies, one cannot mix heating and torque
meaurements as both are totally different uses of power.
It is the same with the human body.
One pound of fat keeps me warm for three days providing I do not exert
myself too much.
That same pound of fat will be burned up in muscle power in a few hours
plus generate enough heat to evaporate a hell of a lot of water, in fact a
lot more than I would shed in three days living quietly.I may be wrong but
heating up of water although measured in Kilowatt hours is dead current
conversion when a motor using the same power wattage converts it into
motion energy which cannot be compared satisfactorily.
The Russian patent based on pumping water and heating shows very clearly
that motion will generate heat more efficiently than an element. The same
goes for a heatpump. A 1 kilowatt motor will generate 10 kilowats of heat.
So I have to keep thinking and try something in this line as we are missing
the output of subharmonics which combined throw off more energy than the
original signal. At a guess I would say that subharmonics add up to the
magical phi number and is the main scource of energy the ancient
civilisation used through their use of ley lines and energy fields laying
over the earth as explained by Bruce Cathie and others.
Has anyone ever measured the voltage and amperage generated by the press of
a finger on a piezo gas lighter.
The spark travels over 1/2 an inch. 40000 volts ?

Anyway I better stop and let other people have their say.

Greetings to you all


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