Re: "Shape Power " article and anti-gravity

Bill McMurtry ( (no email) )
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 14:19:15 +1000

Hi Nigel,

Could'nt let this go by without comment. I was pretty heavily involved with
Adams back in 93/94 and was an associate with his company. I visited Adams
on 3 occasions, and lived in his home for up to 2 weeks at a time while
working on his motors. I constructed many motors based on his design and
also constructed components for Adams' own motors. Anyway, to cut a long
story short, I discovered that Adams was making an error in his input power
measurements, and once this error was corrected we were left with a motor
that exhibited pretty uninteresting efficiencies (around 90%). Needless to
say Bob was not real happy with me not 'towing the line' and I was speedily
given the boot. It was a difficult experience as I quite liked the guy, but
the fact of the matter was he had no intention of enlightening his 'flock'
on the true nature of his motor efficiencies - I felt that this attitude was
just plain wrong and wanted no part of it.

Based on my personal experience and understanding of the Adams motor, I'd
have to say that Bob is 'banging his head against a stone wall' for a
very good reason - total lack of demonstration to back up his claims of
input/output over unity. IMO, had Adams been more open about his
work he would have resolved his calculation error over 25 years ago - doh!

Regards, Bill.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nigel Howie <>
To: Jerry Wayne Decker <> <>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: "Shape Power " article and anti-gravity

> Hi all,
> Sounds something like the Robert Adams , motor/generator.
> I have in front of me the full plans for building this, I have also
> witnessed it in operation.
> Robert Adams lives here in NewZealand and has been experimenting with o/u
> devices for many years but it would seem that he is 'banging his head
> against a stone wall' when it comes to getting recognition.
> Nigel Howie.
> Hastings, NewZealand.
> *******************************************************

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