Fw: Bruno's Deathday - Rehabilitation Of Giordano Bruno? Never!

Anna M. ( (no email) )
Mon, 21 Feb 2000 15:57:50 -0700

----"The surest sign that there is intelligent life out there is that it
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> Subject: Bruno's Deathday
> >From the BBC website
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_646000/646617.stm
> Celebrations are taking place in Rome for the 400th anniversary of a
> Dominican monk whose execution is causing embarrassment to the
> church.
> Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake on 17 February, 1600, for refusing
> recant his philosophical beliefs before the Catholic Church's Inquisition.
> Anarchist groups are reading his death sentence and performing street
> theatre, a local Rome school has adopted his statue and there will be a
> parade in his honour in historical costume.
> Bruno and others tortured and killed by the Inquisition will receive a
> formal apology from the Catholic church next month.
> Pope John Paul will publicly seek forgiveness for errors and injustices
> committed by the church in a "Request for Forgiveness Day."
> But the monk is unlikely to be rehabilitated by the church.
> Cardinal Paul Poupard, chairman of the Vatican's cultural council, has
> Bruno's teachings are "incompatible" with Christian doctrine and it is not
> possible to rehabilitate him.
> Bruno scholar Anacleto Verrecchia told Italian newspaper Corriere della
> Sera the Pope cannot rehabilitate the monk.
> "Bruno's theory that the universe is eternal excludes the idea of a god
> creator and is probably closer to Buddhism," he said.
> =======================================================

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