Re: Fw: Bruno's Deathday - Rehabilitation Of Giordano Bruno? Never!

Bruno Tonon ( )
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 23:19:03 +1100

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"The surest sign that there is intelligent life out there is that it
hasn't tried to contact us"

Anna I'm not to sure about that. The tobbaco companies kept valuable
research information about the addictiveness of cigarettes from the
Public for over 40 years.
Now immagine a bizarre phenomena such as " life out there" what it
could do to our religious/ cultural beliefs.
How do you know they haven't contacted someone????

Just food for thought
Cheers bruno

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"The surest sign that there is intelligent life out there is thatit
hasn't tried to contact us"

Anna I'm not to sure about that. The tobbaco companies kept valuableresearch information about  the  addictiveness of cigarettesfrom the Public  for  over 40 years.
Now immagine a bizarre phenomena such as " life  out  there"what it could do to our religious/ cultural beliefs.
How do you know they haven't  contacted  someone????

Just  food  for  thought
Cheers  bruno--------------16E281F473C44C89D3E2F97E-- ------------------------------------------------------------- To leave this list, email with the body text: leave Interact list archives and on line subscription forms are at -------------------------------------------------------------