A new form of protein melody

Mon, 21 Feb 2000 18:14:42 EST

Just ran across an interesting article in the November 1999 issue of "Wired"
magazine. Many of you have heard of the work of Dr Michael Persinger who
experiments with the effects of electomagnetic waves on the brain. Here is a
quote from the article on his latest work.
"Some of the bursts-which
Persinger more precisely calls 'a series of complex repetitive patterns whose
frequency is modulated over time'- have generated their effects with great
regularity the way aspirin cause pain relief. Persinger has started naming
them and is creating a sort of EM pharmacological dictionary. A new one the
Linda Genetic pulse can affect 'Gene Expression'......stringing together a
number of different electomagnetic fields to prompt a complicated chemical
reaction on the genetic level-- for example, directing the body's natural
self-healing instincts. Persinger envisions a series of EM
patterns that work the way drugs do. Just as you take an antibiotic and it
has a predictable result you might be exposed to precise EM patterns that
would signal the brain to carry out comparable effects."
That ends the quote, page 311. Sounds like someone should tell the Doctor
about the work of Sternheimer.

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