Re: Fw: solution to free energy collection

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 07:16:14 -0800 (PST)

Hi Steve et al!

Woops, did this become a new age discussion list or
what? Ok, let's examine this IDEA, which CANNOT be a
SOLUTION else it would have been PROVEN before making
the claim of S-O-L-U-T-I-O-N!

--- steve learnard <> wrote:
> As we examine our present condition within, we
> observe the following configuration of forms along
> the spine. In the center are a series of energy
> centers or chakras. Running vertically through
> these chakras is rod with a square cross-section.

And how do you detect the presence of 'chakras' or
this rod? You say EXAMINE, what is the method of
examining? and who is 'we', sounds like channelling?

As I understand the claim of chakras, they mean
'spinning vortices of energy', each tuned to different
'spheres' or energy levels that equate to different
aspects of emotion, physicality or mind.

I have never seen any reliable method of proving or
measuring the chakra claim though because it has roots
in the Indian vedas, spanning tens of thousands of
years, there must be something to it though it is as
undetectable as ever.

I've never heard of this rod so you must be referring
to an representation of a geometry like the caduceus.
Can you provide references or is it imaginary?

> The volumetric section of this rod is a cube. At
> present the size of this cube is such that it lies
> within a spherical bubble, not touching the inner
> surface of the sphere.

So take the size of the rod and make a cube.

IMAGINE that this IMAGINARY CUBE is inside an
imaginary bubble but the cube does not touch the

> Also centered within this configuration are two
> pyramids, one of which is inverted and is
> positioned just below the familiar form of an
> Egyptian style pyramid. The bases of
> these pyramids may or may not be touching depending
> on the cross-sectional area of the central rod.

Ok, a diamond shape formed by two pyramids whose bases
may or may not be touching.

> This is not a configuration what will resonate with
> the rest of creation! To evolve a resonant form we
> need to make the following changes. The size of
> each pyramid within the communication rod is
> determined by the cross-sectional area of the rod.
> If this area expands, the cube expands allowing the
> bubble or sphere to move inside.

So your IDEA is as the rod area expands, the cube
expands to surround and encompass this bubble that
normally surrounds the cube without touching it.

> At the same time the pyramidal shapes expand and
> the positively and negatively charged chambers
> located at the position known as the King's
> chamber, are drawn together to form a three-
> dimensional six-sided star the cross section of
> which is Solomon's seal. It is into this shape
> that energy can flow from the aether field!

Is this pyramid expansion proportional to the
expansion of the cube? If they were base to base as
stated earlier, and it is proportional to the
expansion of the cube, then the pyramids would expand
or decrease and retain the same base to base

If the expansion is not proportional to the cube
expansion, why would the pyramids slide onto each
other to overlap into the 6 sided star?

> The cube that now occupies the center of the
> six-pointed star encloses the bubble which is the
> energy radiator.

The cube has now shrunk or this six pointed star has
expanded..I see no rationale to any of this.

> Any forms that are not in harmony with cubic wave
> guide or which are not complete wave forms, will be
> damped out and start to flow up and down the
> creator's communication rod into spaces where they
> can exist in harmony.

Sounds like Walter Russell....we can do a lot better
than this...way too unclear and nothing backs it up
that I know of, except the history of chakras from
ancient Indian sources, the rest sounds like
channeling or new age material not for this list.

> This space in which forms cannot exist, that are
> out of harmony with the rest of space, is the only
> space in which ideas can be formed and collect
> enough creation substance from the aether field to
> become manifest. This creation cube in which new
> ides are forged is the form of the city of my
> imagination, "Golgonooza," so dubbed by William
> Blake.

imagination says it all...please, NOT HERE...


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