Fw: solution to free energy collection

steve learnard ( (no email) )
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 22:12:11 -0500

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----- Original Message -----=20
From: steve learnard=20
To: listserver@keelynet.com=20
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: solution to free energy collection

As we examine our present condition within, we observe the following =
configuration of forms along the spine. In the center are a series of =
energy centers or chakras. Running vertically through these chakras is =
rod with a square cross-section. The volumetric section of this rod is =
a cube. At present the size of this cube is such that it lies within a =
spherical bubble, not touching the inner surface of the sphere. Also =
centered within this configuration are two pyramids, one of which is =
inverted and is positioned just below the familiar form of an Egyptian =
style pyramid. The bases of these pyramids may or may not be touching =
depending on the cross-sectional area of the central rod. This is not a =
configuration what will resonate with the rest of creation! To evolve a =
resonant form we need to make the following changes. The size of each =
pyramid within the communication rod is determined by the =
cross-sectional area of the rod. If this area expands, the cube =
expands allowing the bubble or sphere to move inside. At the same time =
the pyramidal shapes expand and the positively and negatively charged =
chambers located at the position known as the King's chamber, are drawn =
together to form a three-dimensional six-sided star the cross section of =
which is Solomon's seal. It is into this shape that energy can flow =
from the aether field! The cube that now occupies the center of the =
six-pointed star encloses the bubble which is the energy radiator. Any =
forms that are not in harmony with cubic wave guide or which are not =
complete wave forms, will be damped out and start to flow up and down =
the creator's communication rod into spaces where they can exist in =
harmony. This space in which forms cannot exist, that are out of =
harmony with the rest of space, is the only space in which ideas ca be =
formed and collect enough creation substance from the aether field to =
become manifest. This creation cube in which new ides are forged is the =
form of the city of my imagination, "Golgonooza," so dubbed by=20
William Blake.
Steve Learnard

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----- Original Message -----=20
From: steve =learnard=20
To: listserver@keelynet.com
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: solution to free energy collection

As we examine our present condition =within, we=20observe the following configuration of forms along the spine.  In =the=20center are a series of energy centers or chakras.  Running =vertically=20through these chakras is rod with a square cross-section.  The =volumetric=20section of this rod is a cube.  At present the size of this cube is =such=20that it lies within a spherical bubble, not touching the inner surface =of the=20sphere.  Also centered within this configuration are two pyramids, =one of=20which is inverted and is positioned just below the familiar form of an =Egyptian=20style pyramid.  The bases of these pyramids may or may not be =touching=20depending on the cross-sectional area of the central rod.  This is =not a=20configuration what will resonate with the rest of creation!  To =evolve a=20resonant form we need to make the following changes.  The size of =each=20pyramid within the communication rod is determined by the =cross-sectional area=20of the rod.  If this area expands,  the cube expands allowing =the=20bubble or sphere to move inside.  At the same time the pyramidal =shapes=20expand and the positively and negatively charged chambers located at the =position known as the King's chamber, are drawn together to form a=20three-dimensional six-sided star the cross section of which is Solomon's =seal.  It is into this shape that energy can flow from the aether=20field!  The cube that now occupies the center of the six-pointed =star=20encloses the bubble which is the energy radiator.  Any forms that =are not=20in harmony with cubic wave guide or which are not complete wave forms, =will be=20damped out and start to flow up and down the creator's communication rod =into=20spaces where they can exist in harmony.  This space in which forms =cannot=20exist, that are out of harmony with the rest of space, is the only space =in=20which ideas ca be formed and collect enough creation substance from the =aether=20field to become manifest.  This creation cube in which new ides are =forged=20is the form of the city of my imagination, "Golgonooza," so dubbed by=20
William Blake.
          &nbs=p;            =;            =            &=nbsp;Steve=20Learnard
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