Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:21:21 -0600

Hi Boyd et al!

Ok, let's get it straight. You have not been on this list
for quite sometime.
You RE-subscribed to this list, after reading the guidelines
and agreeing to them.

The first thing you post is self promotion of your own
thermo-dyne which has been beat to death on earlier posts as
anyone can see in the archives. You don't ask for
discussion, you haven't taken the time or effort to setup
your own website (which is free these days) to clearly state
your beliefs and have not built or tried to build
any of your ideas, yet the second I resubscribe you, your
first post is the Thermo-Dyne.

Very few people responded to your posts and ideas back then,
and I'm sorry for that, people do have their own ideas and
views which might not be the same as yours, so they still
have the freedom to respond as they see fit if it interests

I added the Schlictig material to the paper I offered to
post about your IDEAS because Schlictig HAS BUILT AND PROVEN
HIS, you have not. They are clearly separate in the

I'll be happy to remove your information from KeelyNet if
you feel it your IDEAS have been contaminated by a WORKING
DEVICE as it is completely speculative either way. You do
not seem to be sufficiently confident in your IDEAS to take
the necessary steps to prove them, rather choosing to sign
on here, accessing 360 mailboxes again and start right back
up as if you'd been suppressed or somehow slighted because
no one expressed enough interest in them.

You said yourself you had disclosed your IDEA for an
invention in 1981, that is 19 years ago and what have you
done to try to prove it during all that time?

In over a year, you never said anything to me about your
concerns about this, yet you sign onto the list and
immediately begin whining about 'mixed up'.

To eliminate this 'mix up' which has so disturbed your life,
I will remove the document and revert purely to the man who
spent the time, money and effort to build and PROVE his
machine, Earl Schlictig.

By the way, a 'disclosure' of an idea wasn't the way you
presented it to me, you simply wanted your IDEA posted and
available to anyone who might seek it out, which I did and
will now rectify.

Boyd Cantrell wrote:
> From: Boyd Cantrell <>
> To
> Hello all,
> It was maybe a year ago that Jerry posted my Invention Disclosure about a
> proposed apparatus that would convert ambient temperature heat energy into
> mechanical energy. The name of my apparatus was " THERMO-DYNE ". Jerry's
> Artical for it was named RATIONALE for somthing or other. You may
> remember it.
> Well I was gone awhile so I unsubscribed while I was gone. Reciently
> someone refered me to somthing called the "Schlichtig patent". Well I went
> to google search, entered Schlichtig and I got the following.
> It shows that the name THERMO-DYNE which I dreamed up somehow got mixed up
> with the name Schlichtig.
> I sent the THERMO-DYNE disclosure to Keelynet maybe a year ago and now
> they have it mixed up with the Schlichtig thing. I dreamed up the word
> THERMO-DYNE from the greek words Heat and Energy.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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