Egg of Columbus

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 13:49:43 -0600

Hi Folks!

Received an email about the Egg of Columbus which I thought
might be interesting to post. It's not free energy and such
but is based on the original idea that it just takes that
one basic different perspective that leads to NEW WORLDS.
Here is the quote from the email;

> I asked you awhile back about building an Egg of Columbus; I'm still
> rounding up info on it and will do it someday. Since it runs on
> alternating current, do you think it might be possible to convert an
> existing AC motor into a suitable power supply? Or maybe even an
> automobile alternator? I haven't been able to find out how much power
> a typical alternator puts out (I'm sure I can find this out once I find
> someone who knows cars); I'm looking for something that puts out
> 30-40 cycles or less. The original egg Tesla demonstrated at the 1893
> World Fair ran on this much, but his egg was the size of an ostrich
> egg and his coil 24 inches across. Mine will be smaller, like around
> 12 or 14 inches across. Is there a mathematical formula for computing
> the number of windings for that size coil, and for the amount of power
> it would need?

I remember reading about some kind of alternator or
generator that put out as much as 90 amps at
can get an alternator at any auto junkyard where you have to
take it off yourself..probably about $5 or $10....the egg of
columbus was basically a big motor with I thought 4 coils
because the egg is chasing the moving magnetic
field...either that or a slow moving wave from a single coil
that speeds up as the egg motion speeds up. Wonder what
happened to his original?

It does appear to be just one HUGE coil under the table so
it would be a slow moving magnetic field, kind of what the
LEVITRON self exciter version does, producing a spinning
magnetic field to keep the top spinning as it chases the
rotating magnetic field.

Hmm, I have one of those and never realized I can't get it so spin reliably...they
claim it will if you get it all have to get
it spinning first, then slowly lower it into the spinning
field where it will be captured.
where the egg of columbus derives its name;

It recalls the story of the egg of Columbus, according to
which Columbus, attending a banquet in Spain, showed how an
egg could be made to stand on its end without support by
cracking the shell.
Here is a great picture of the egg;
Here is the tiling puzzle of the egg;

Egg of Columbus A novel demonstration apparatus used to
explain the principal of the rotating magnetic field and the
induction motor. It was part of the momentous exhibit at the
1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition at which Tesla and George
Westinghouse first introduced the American public to the
alternating current electrical power system.

Well, you have heard of Christopher Columbus, eh?" He seemed
to be angry. "That Christopher Columbus was a cheat," he
declared emphatically. "He talked of making an egg stand on
its end. He talked, he did, and then he went and broke
the end of the egg."

My father seemed to his visitor to be beside himself at the
duplicity of Christopher Columbus. He muttered and swore. He
declared it was wrong to teach
children that Christopher Columbus was a great man when,
after all, he cheated
at the critical moment. He had declared he would make an egg
stand on end and
then, when his bluff had been called, he had done a trick.
Columbus as the precursor to the Star Trek Kobayashi Maru
test where you break the 'rules' to achieve your goals;

When Columbus grew up, he tried to go to Portugal and tell
his plans to them. Unfortunately, they laughed at him and
said they did not have the money to pay for such a silly
idea, especially since they would lose all their men and
ships when everybody got sucked off the edge of the world.
But Christopher Columbus knew that he was right, and
presented his case to another group of men. Just to show
them all how smart he was and to make them believe him, he
asked them to balance an egg on its end. No one could do it,
and everyone began to get upset when he kept on telling them
that it could be done. Finally, after everyone gave up,
Columbus took the egg and smashed the end onto the table so
it would stand up still. Everyone that had tried to balance
the egg was quiet: no one had thought of doing that! The men
listened to him then, and at least some people in Europe
knew how smart Christopher Columbus really was.


[8] From Thirty More Famous Stories Retold.
Copyright, 1903, by American Book Company.

One day Columbus was at a dinner which a Spanish gentleman
had given in his honor, and several persons were present who
were jealous of the great admiral's success. They were
proud, conceited fellows, and they very soon began to
try to make Columbus uncomfortable.

``You have discovered strange lands beyond the seas,'' they
said, ``but what of that? We do not see why there should be
so much said about it. Anybody can sail across the ocean;
and anybody can coast along the islands on the other
side, just as you have done. It is the simplest thing in
the world.''

Columbus made no answer; but after a while he took an egg
from a dish and said to the company:-- ``Who among you,
gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end?''

One by one those at the table tried the experiment. When
the egg had gone entirely around and none had succeeded, all
said that it could not be done.

Then Columbus took the egg and struck its small end gently
upon the table so as to break the shell a little. After
that there was no trouble in making it stand upright.

``Gentlemen,'' said he, ``what is easier than to do this
which you said was impossible? It is the simplest thing in
the world. Anybody can do it,--AFTER HE HAS BEEN SHOWN HOW!
And that, is what we need to find, that one tiny CRACK IN
THE EGG to show that free energy and gravity control CAN BE
DONE...from that point, a NEW WORLD OPENS UP...<G>...

---    Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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