Re: Walking on water

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 04 Jan 2000 16:55:23 -0600

Hi SWB, DM et al!

The walking on water post never remotely mentioned anything
about religion or belief systems that I can find on review.
Personally, I don't give a flip about rankling the
'establishment' or 'risking' suppressive influences because;

IF there are attempts, which BTW, I have never experienced
or had first hand knowledge of in ANY form,

then they are circumvented by;

FREELY and GLOBALLY distributing information

through multiple networks including;

InterNet webpages, emails via the Net, FAXES, newsletters,
magazines, TV/Radio, postal service, phone calls and
personal one on one communications.

The key is to YIELD to a higher objectivity, to avoid the
misguided need to profit from findings that,

when compared to the overall worldwide changes and benefits
that will NECESSARILY result from the free and global
release of free energy and gravity control principles,

will provide BASIC PRACTICAL HOW TO principles known and
APPLIED by the entire world.

Not held or used by one person, not one group, not one race,
not one state, country or continent, but GIVEN freely to the
whole world.

WHEN that technology leads to walking on water or flying
through the air using gravity reduction, so be it. That
will also include the IMO, inevitable discovery of how to
extract free energy that will allow the intentional
precipitation/manifestation of matter in any form you wish.

If follows that 'miracles' would become possible and
ubiquitous, because we would come to ever greater
comprehension of how the universe works and how to use it to
our advantage.

To have been remotely associated with just one such
successful discovery and release is all I could ever ask in
my own life and I'll work to that end continually, without
worrying about people whose belief systems or views would be
compromised because they cannot handle anything that might
threaten their SUBJECTIVE beliefs.

The point in the original post was simply that the guy who
ran across the water did it by increasing the surface to
volume ratio as pointed out in the Scientific American
article at;

Small size unites these two capabilities. Small organisms
have relatively large ratios of surface area to volume
(S/V). The force that opposes both capabilities (gravity)
acts on the mass of the animal, whereas the forces that
support climbing (adhesion) and walking on water (surface
tension and fluid drag) are related to the surface in
contact with the substrate.

A general consequence of the way the S/V ratio changes with
size is that larger animals are more influenced by gravity
and inertia, and smaller animals are more influenced by
surface forces such as adhesion and fluid drag.

Apart from very small size being an advantage for both
walking up walls and walking on water, the two phenomena are
quite different. When a fly walks up a vertical piece of
glass, adhesive forces between its tarsal pads and the glass
are sufficient to resist both the tendency to slide downward
and the tendency to fall away from the glass surface.

If you were able to isometrically increase the size of the
fly by a factor of 10, its volume and its weight would
increase by a factor of about 103, whereas its surface in
contact with the glass would increase by a factor of about
This creature would fall to the ground because the somewhat
increased adhesive forces could no longer resist the greatly
increased pull of gravity; moreover, its now too-small wings
would not allow it to fly!
Interestingly enough, this same buoyancy effect applies to

There is at least one patent for an electrical device using
high voltage of relatively low power, but spread over a wide
area, to provide floating platforms in the upper
atmosphere. This surface area to volume weight ratio
follows there also.

At a conference a few years back, I attended a workshop
presented by Joe Newman and he let me look through a kind of
scrapbook of his past media coverage. One described a very
large coil spread out over a wide surface area which was
wrapped a balloon filled with helium.

As I recall, Joe said the coil would interact with gravity
to provide not only additional weight reduction but also a
thrust for propelling the ballon. He indicates he built a
small model but I the digital camera I used to photograph
his documents was stolen in New York, so I lost that
information which intended to work up as a page on KeelyNet.

So, I don't understand these primal fears. Imagine the new
recreations, sports and commercial applications that will
come from being able to walk, glide or race across water as
if it were slick glass and by extension to use similar
gravity reduction to allow us to fly through the air at
will...angels, jinn, holy people, who knows?

As we inevitably progress in our understanding and
abilities, which will IMO one day include purely mentally
produced phenomena, WITHOUT MECHANISM, we will find many
erroneous perceptions based on non-comprehension and
perpetuated through history as miracles. An applicable
aphorism, 'The Truth shall set you Free'.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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