Re: Vril Energy/reply

Theo Paijmans ( )
Tue, 04 Jan 2000 23:41:12 +0100

As Gavin wrote, the term vril stems from Bulwer-Lytton's 1871 novel The Coming
Race. The term afterwards found its way in Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine,
Colville's and William Walker Atkinsons' writings, was compared with Keely's
force and Tesla admitted of having read the book, which might have provided him
with his idea for teleautomatons (which Tesla denied, by the way) Did anybody
read my book on Keely, called Free Energy Pioneer (see I have a whole chapter on vril,
Bulwer-Lytton and his occult cronies, and on the German Vril Society. There's an
index in the damn thing! Go on then, look it up!

Bulwer-Lytton's book is not the first book on robots, as Gavin wrongly stated.
Nor was his book of influence to Hitler and the Third Reich, nor is vril the
power source for Nazi ufo's as there was a) no interest amongst the Nazi's in
Bulwer-Lytton's book and b) there are no Nazi saucers, that being utter bogus
and a myth (and a dangerous one, as it is also propagated by Neo-Nazi's), as the
French researcher Altairac recently proved in his more than excellent essay on
this topic, published in France.

I am preparing a book on the Vril Society and that one will demonstrate some
real, verifiable examples of vril thought and technology. Sorry Gavin, but on
the topic of the Nazi ufo myth, you'd better read up and do some serious
studying here. As for Nazi fringe beliefs, I recommend Goodrick Clarke's The
Occult Roots of Nazism, unsurpassed after all these years, and a worhty
companion to James Webb's The Occult Establishment (also on Nazi occult beliefs)

So Gavin, don't say you didn't know...:)

Kind regards,

Theo Paijmans

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