Re: Walking on water

SWB ( )
Tue, 04 Jan 2000 14:42:25 -0500

Hi DM,

At first, I didn't think your post was worthy of my time to respond; but
I had to rethink that; as a 'good natured' response has presented itself
to me.

Speaking on behalf of all of us "religious fundamentalists, and
fanatics" I must inform you: we all agreed, at our last meeting, that
we would save our matches for THE person described in the Bible as being
'THE anti-christ'; as he will be doing 'miracles', of the sort you
mentioned - ONLY 'he' will be claiming to do them, WITHOUT benefit of a
'device' to aid him, in perpetrating his fraudulent 'claim'.

We have also decided, that there is 'no longer' any need for us, to fear
the machinations of progress; as the government can now be trusted to do
that for us.

Now !

If someone was actually 'demonstrating a device', to which he could
point, and explain, as being the 'agent' of his 'ability' to "defy
gravity" then he wouldn't be considered worthy of being "burned at the
stake", any MORE than, the people who have 'flown' jet pack suits! Your
paranoia about religious fundamentalists, and fanatics, is just as
outdated, as the act of "burning people at the stake".

Yes, there ARE some people out there, on both sides of the "religious
fence" who have yet to learn the fundamentals of proper conduct; and,
for every overly zealous, and profoundly misguided Pro Life activist,
out there bombing Planned Parenthood offices, (or, sending them threats
of deadly disease, as in today's news), under a 'COVER' of
"Christianity" - I can point to a 'Ted Kazinski', or tree hugging 'Green
Peacer', who is spiking trees, with the specific intent of, or disregard
for, doing bodily harm. So, if you insist on keeping your prejudice, I
suggest you find another group to lavish it on; as the vast majority of
Christians, are 'up to speed', in the realm of scientific exploration. I
am one of them. (There are so few Amish out there, as to be
statistically insignificant.) (The teaching of evolution vs.
Creationism, not withstanding; as 'that' is certainly a valid
'point-of-contention', for anyone living in America, where the freedom
of Religious belief, has not yet been quashed by totalitarianism.)

You might also note, that the greatest amount of resistance to
alternative energy research, is NOT coming from the "Religious corner"
but, from the radical neo-communist, left wing 'political faction' of
our Government. The 'MORE sovereignty' individuals posses; the 'LESS
control' Government can exert over the minuscule aspects, of their
existence. If you must vent your dissatisfaction with the progress of
technological advancement; I suggest you do it in their direction, where
it is really needed!

Get a clue.

__________________________________________________________________________ wrote:
> Hi Jerry et al:
> Jerry wrote:
> >>I've always thought that if gravity could be reduced
> sufficiently in mass we could easily walk, skate or glide
> across water. Of course, choppy, high waves could be a
> problem but the idea has always intruged me.
> Talk about a neat way to prove that your gravity control or
> reduction machine works...<g>..just walk across any water
> surface without any preparation and then when you hit land,
> jump about 50 feet into the air...that would be a hard to
> deny demonstration.
> >>
> Yes, that would be hard to deny, and quite sensational, but perhaps very
> risky!
> Could open one up to being burned at the stake by religious fundamentalists,
> or fanatics!
> Challenging the likes of those who manage to get schools to not teach
> evolutionary ideas, and findings about age of the planet, etc., could
> seriously backfire for the "walker".
> Just some practical thoughts - perhaps a little less sensational would be
> safer - there are many who think nothing of resorting to drastic means to
> defend their beliefs!
> And don't forget how many wars are fought, or conflicts perpetuated by
> religious beliefs.
> And to illustrate the idea: if one had a matter duplicator - it would be one
> thing to duplicate a block of graphite, or even a bar of gold; But a basket
> of bread and fish would be just as risky as a water walk!
> Us talking monkeys (apes) do not seem to respond well to upsetting long held
> beliefs too radically - or quickly.
> DMBoss1021

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