Rain's Bessler Wheel design

John Collins ( (no email) )
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:39:31 -0000

I must congratulate Rain Jarvelaid on his excellent animated gif.
As a researcher into the work of Johann Bessler (aka Orffyreus) I
am always interested in ideas about how his machine worked, and
this kind of posting is an excellent way to demonstrate those
ideas. I only wish I had the skill to put some of my own ideas into
such a format.

As for the design itself I think, as does Jerry, that it will balance
out and no overbalancing effect will be manifested. I don't want to
put off anyone with revolutionary ideas (pun intended) but I think
that it is important that we underpin all new designs and ideas with
an explantion that does not conflict with our accepted laws of
physics. Thus we can accept that gravity can be tapped in this
way, because it does not violate the Laws of Conservation of
Energy (eg energy cannot be created or destroyed), but we have to
find a way around the principle of a conservative force. This
principle demands that we measure work done by a conservative
force by measuring the magnitude of the weight times the vertical
distance of its fall. In other words the path of the weight is
irrelevant in our calculations, thus moving the weight out from the
cog when falling and bringing it closer when climbing will make no
difference. All will balance out.

Having said that, my research has convinced both myself and
thousands of others, that Bessler was genuine and this seems an
apposite time to re-discover his secret. I therefore encourage all
those revolutionary thinkers to offer their ideas for public debate in
the hope that a way around the impasse of the conservative force
requirements will be found.

Happy New Year to all.

John Collins, author of:-
"Perpetual Motion:An Ancient Mystery Solved?"
URL http://www.free-energy.co.uk

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