Ecologically better & cheaper automobile

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:05:55 -0600

Hi Folks!

If you've not seen it yet, check out the new hybrid
electric/gasoline 60 mpg Honda Insight which is now being
shipped to the US. 10 gallon gas tank that gets 600 to 700
miles per refueling, $19,000 is a bit steep for this 4
cylinder but its a start;

Hydrogen fuel cell link page;

What are car companies doing with this with projected
release dates;

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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