Re: 3d pattern of infinity-not new - Buckminster Fuller!

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:24:45 -0600

Hi DM!

I read his file as a kind of 'spreadsheet' approach to
modeling because with a spreadsheet you can change just one
variable and see how it alters the other outcomes....there
was one episode I think of Voyager where they met a group of
aliens with the abiltity to start from one set of temporal
parameters and calculate what they would have to do to get a
'best fit' for a desired timeline.

All kinds of weird time shifts were taking place in just one
very large area of space due to their various trials trying
to achieve their goal. These time shifts are what drew the
attention of the Voyager crew.

It seems the captain of the time ship had lost his wife and
daughter in a battle and he was trying to bring back a
timeline where they would have lived...he didn't care what
the other permutations were, just that his family was
restored....he and his crew also DID NOT AGE signficantly
while in their ship which was protected by creating its own
time field and had apparently been doing this experiments
over and over for hundreds of years.

To my view, thats kind of what the author of this paper
seems to be getting across...I love the idea of 'spreadsheet
geometry' with all the permutations.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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