Gravity ramblings.

CSM ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:17:23 +1300

Hi Jerry and others,

Gravity thoughts.

Ok. Here we go, my view of stuff.
Size does matter!. The moon has 1/6th the gravity of earth, we are told.(a
side comment, did they really go? why not go again instead of mars?).
Is it mass or size that counts? Would a hollow sphere of the same dimensions
have the same gravity?
Can we prove anything about gravity? If it is an attraction type force
towards a body of greater mass then we should see a reduction in gravity as
we tunnel towards the centre of the earth (more mass above than below).
Has this been proved? Perhaps it produces the results that prove we live
inside a sphere?
If it is a repulsion force from outside, why does it only affect us here on
earth or a planet and not in space.? Or do we have to have a massive body
first to attract the repulsive force?

What do we really know about gravity and it's properties?

It doesn't appear to be an electrical or magnetic force.
It pulses wave fashion at about 7Hz.
It attracts (or pushes) absolutely everything.

That's all I know.!

This is what I think.
Gravity and time are related, they both affect everything. If you can
manipulate gravity, I am sure you will also be able to manipulate time.
The observer effect is one which always seems to have an influence. Seeing
is believing!
Someone posted a while ago an idea about diverting the observers (plural)
attention and being able to levitate or counter the influence of gravity.
I myself have had an experience which I'm sure can be explained using
physics but the feeling and comments from others present show that what
happened was unusual at least.
It was all very ordinary and simple in the way it happened. I was at
training (soccer) and dived to head a ball about three feet off the ground
(a dangerous move with sprigged boots around). I missed as usual but I
didn't fall as expected, I seemed to hang momentarily above the ground
before falling in the expected manner. The others who were there all made
comments like, "how did you hang in the air like that??". To this day I have
no idea.

There ya go, some ponderings of someone who lurks.

Colin M.....

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