Re: PRIMARY ENERGY- New chapters - W-Waves!
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 01:33:53 EST

Hi folks,

I have completed two new chapters, and seriously updated another. Now the
initial specifications to go out and experiment for yourself are outlined,
(if you are so inclined).

I outline a more thorough and serious approach, as well as a QAD (Quick And
Dirty) (read "inexpensive & crude") method for those with high interest and
low budgets.

As many of you have gathered, this is a rewrite of the "channeled"
information by Maurice B. Cooke, but with significant refinement of the
theory, and a mountain of more observations/findings.(when I get it written)
I agree with what Jerry said a short while ago, that most "channeled"
material is highly suspect. But this one, when I first read it had something
more - and the simple and very thorough description of reality did and still
does offer a potential Theory of Everything. (plus the fact that so far what
this "source"said about the lower phase or bio effects of this energy are
correct, and easy to replicate/demonstrate to yourself)

In fact I recognized early on the significance of this "higher dimensional
(standing) wave model of matter creation/gravity/inertia" as being
potentially very important. And having done considerable mental gymnastics
to get a grasp of it and see how it applies in a practical way, I can say it
does very neatly and completely explain all I can throw at it.

Now I hear about Wagner's Gravity as a Wave Phenomenon using W-Waves, and how
this guy, has been measuring and documenting concrete evidence of gravity
being directly related to moving standing waves!!!

I conclude that he must have some merit and validity to his findings, as he
is extensively published in mainstream (or at least reputable) journals.
This would not occur if he were a flake or out to lunch.

I am excited to try to use his detection schemes to measure the effects of
the PE. His finding of apparently longitudinal wave motions, at low velocity
in plants and other areas, makes sense to my understanding of how the wave
theory works. Although the PE theory must assume an extremely high
frequency, and correspondingly short wavelength for the spherical 4D wave
motion of the aether, there would be translations of this motion into the 3D
plane, and likely at many lower harmonics. So I can see that while Wagner
has correlation to gravity and that is great - the understanding we all have
is very rudimentary - and there is more to it.

Jerry's post about some other correlations, and postulates are valid, and I
think there are some other important details to consider as well. Such as,
if both matter formation, gravity and inertia are caused by the same standing
wave patterns, then we must be carefull when manipulating them (the waves) so
as not get the nodal spacing to far out of whack with the density of the
matter under the altered "field". If the nodal density were to be too
"thin", this could cause a substantial portion of the matter to dissolve, or

Likewise if we make a perfectly still standing wave pattern, then we would
create matter out of the aether, and if this happens to at the location of
some other matter - OOPS. (shades of the strange tales of men embedded in the
decks/bulkheads in the "Philadelphia Experiment")

So we best be cautious! And endeavour to understand as much as possible
before committing to large scale experiments.

Here again is my E Book address: ( )



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