
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 00:28:20 -0600

Hi Folks!

Got an email asking about condoluminescence and here it is;
You ask where I got the word CondoLuminescence as mentioned
in the file on the Garrett water carburetor. In the
document it refers to the emission of light from phosphors
when exposed to hydrogen.

'Hydrogen for lighting

Lighting via the use of hydrogen can be accomplished by the
of CONDOLUMINESCENCE, a cold process. A phosphor is spread
on the inside
of a tube similar to the conventional fluorescent lamp. Upon
coming in
contact with the phosphor, small amounts of hydrogen combine
with the
oxygen in the air to excite bright luminescence in the
phosphor. (Is
this the secret of the mysterious "perpetual lamps" as found
in ancient
tombs?) '
I don't recall where I got that...somewhere in my wanderings
trying to add to the info pool about Garrett when I finally
found the is a bizarre I recall it
deals with hydrogen gas causing phoshors to glow when
sprayed across them.

Possibly something electrical though I'd think that would be
fun or safe because it would risk a spark that could ignite
the hydrogen.

It sounds like a simple enough thing to try since all video
and tv tubes have faces covered with phosphors (internally
of course and which come in many types that emit various
colors of light when excited) well as fluorescent tubes.

Hmm, perhaps you could drill out the either end of the metal
contacts in a fluorescent tube and shoot some hydrogen
through it in a darkened if lights up, bingo,
you've got it...

Some of that Garrett stuff I got from the Dallas library in
various science books...should have quoted the
reference...ah well, the price for not being an

I could not find a definition for the word when combined so
broke it down by root from ;

condo "erect, establish, build"
condo "to store, place"

lu·mi·nes·cence (lm-nsns) n.

1. The emission of light that does not derive energy from
the temperature of the emitting body, as in phosphorescence,
fluorescence, and bioluminescence. Luminescence is caused by
chemical, biochemical, or crystallographic changes, the
motions of subatomic particles, or radiation-induced
excitation of an atomic system.

So condoluminescence means to build light or establish the
emission of light, would that be close?

After finding the term I suspected that the so-called
'eternal lights' as reportedly found in sealed tombs could
be hydrogen gas. It would be a neat low level, perpetual
light though I suspect the gas has to at least be circulated
if not replenished.

". ." wrote:
> Hi,
> The information on the Garrett carb uses the term condoluminescence
> like it is well know subject matter, yet I have been unable to find
> anything more on it anywhere on the internet or elsewhere. Do you
> have any further information concerning this subject?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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