Re: Gravity as a Wave Phenomenon using W-Waves

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 08:25:15 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

If gravity is truly a push and in the form of waves
coming into the earth from space, what would be the
properties of a mass which had its 'weight' reduced or
completely cancelled?

To my view, if we simply reduce the weight, but not
cancel it, then the gravity would be dispersed
outwardly at right angles from the mass. As Farrow
claims at;

In Farrow's explanation, he said that the dynamo acted
to "intensify the vertical component" of the Hertzian
waves which it generated. This intensifaction produced
buoyancy in any object to which the unit was attached.

The unusual pattern of Hertzian waves fanned out in a
thin horizontal plane of electromagnetic stress over a
broad area.

The buoyant effect is similar to that produced by
floating a sewing needle on water. Although the steel
has a much higher density than the water below it, the
surface tension permits the linkup of many surrounding
water molecules in a thin film or sheet.
With Farrows device and demonstration, a book placed
on a scale lost 3 ounces of its 18 ounce 'weight'.
The gravity that produced this 3 ounces of weight was
dispersed horizontally according to Farrow.

An analogy would be a weak stream of water from a
hose, striking a mass and splattering at right angles
around the mass. (Dr. Wagners measurements of the
angles of limbs of trees and branches might be related
to this horizontal redeflection of gravity waves which
the limbs would follow.)

If we completely divert the gravity passing through an
object and into the earth, around the mass, then the
mass would lose all its 'weight' and react like a soap
bubble, not rising, not falling, just bounding easily
along. Possibly a mix of half horizontal deflection
and half vertical deflection where it wraps around the
mass. (Keely's claim of BALANCE where the celestial
and terrestrial currents cancelled)

If we have a mass which is excited to the point that
it RADIATES its own amplified, retroreflected version
of the gravity waves, then that mass would not only
lose all weight but rise into the air with a velocity
dependent on the power applied.

The gravity influx would be LESS DISPERSED
HORIZONTALLY because the stream of gravity waves would
be moving at such velocity that it would be deflected
around the mass to rejoin at the bottom.

An analogy would be a stream of water moving from a
hose at high velocity, drilling a hole into a mass or
passing tightly around it, rather than splattering at
right angles.

That brings up the possibility of gravity control as a
PUMP which absorbs gravity waves and throws them out
to provide a thrust.

Another approach is to consider a standing wave that
rides up or down an incoming wave depending on its

--- "Jerry W. Decker" <> wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> You might be interested in Dr. Orvin E. Wagners page
> on 'W'waves at;
> Wagner Research Laboratory has been doing research
> on W-waves since 1988. W-waves are slow moving
> longitudinal waves that we first found in plants.
> For more information on that subject visit the
> Plant Research Page. It became apparent early that
> these waves are fundamental to plant organization.
> They also seem to have something to do with the
> formation and organization of the solar system
> and universe. The work at Wagner Research
> Laboratory (WRL) has demonstrated that the wave
> theory solves many problems of the solar system
> and universe that other theories do not touch.
> -------------------
> with a serious heads up for his new article on
> 'Gravity as a Wave Phenomenon' at;


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