Re: Chronovisor?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 23:42:22 -0600

Hi Folks!

Jim Shaffer kindly sent in the following excerpts about
Father Ernetti who claimed to have invented and used a time
viewing device called the Chronovisor, thanks Jim!
Here are some excerpts from _The Mysterious Past_, by Robert

"He carried out his research in collaboration with twelve
physicists, whom he declines to name, in a laboratory in
Venice or Rome. It is known, however, that
he began as early as 1956 to investigate the possibility of
resuscitating the past and viewing it on some kind of
television machine. In 1957 he made contact with the
Portuguese Professor de Matos, who, through his own
experiments, was to give the pattern of research a new

[There are too many de Matos on the web to figure out who
this was. (JS)]

Professor de Matos was also interested in reproducing the
past by some process
analogous to television, and based his theories on certain
Aristotalian [sic]
writings concerning the disintegration of sound, writings
which probably owed
much to the still older theories propounded by Pythagoras.

Father Ernetti's theory was, according to his own
statements, based on accepting
one of the principles of classic science, which predicated
[sic] that light and
sound waves are not lost after emission but are transformed
and remain indefinitely present.