Re: Chronovisor?

Martin ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 19:37:38 +0200

Hi All

>In 1950 the English engineer George Delawar [sic] was
>experimenting along lines

Unfortunately he also seems to be impossible to find in a search it turns up
one listing which gives this same account that was posted here.

>[Amargi used to have a diagram of the Drown Camera on his
>website, but I believe
>it only worked in Drown's presence so it doesn't do us any
>good. (JS)]

I have the Drown Camera as well as some other supposed Time Camera's on my
site at:

If anyone here has ever actually tried one of these things I would be very
interested to hear about it.

>So it looks like we need to build an EVP recorder with a
>radionic tuner :-) Don't ask me how to get moving pictures,

Radionic device coupled to the human operator maybe? See the pics in your
Of course that will never have the public credibility of something where the
pics were actually visible on a screen of some sort. And it's probably open
to the same kind of criticism that gets levelled at Remote Viewing where the
viewer is often the cause of Analytical Overlay as the books call it.

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What we need is idiot and criminal control.

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