Re: Water, Part 2

Norman Wootan ( )
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:58:42 -0600

My question is: Where are you going to find a 100% efficient engine in
which to convert your hydrogen energy into usefull power??????????? If you
study the "CARNOT" cycle you will see why the modern internal combustion
engines and turbines are only about 19-25% efficient. The "Stirling" is the
most efficient of all. Maybe you have an idea as to how to convert your
hydrogen into usefull power. Fill us in please. Norm

"Michael S. Johnston" wrote:

> Hi All,
> Hopefully I have gotten your attention by now. With the first
> installment I showed a rather simple illustration to prove that a
> difference exists between the amount of energy required to electrolyze a
> given quantity of water and the amount of energy which is given off when
> the products resulting from said electrolysis are burned together. As I
> said it is not much of a difference but it is a difference and the fact
> that the higher amount of energy appears on the side of what is released
> by burning it means that here we have the basis of a whole new, free
> source of fuel to power our world.
> The first objection that usually rears it's ugly head at this point
> is that the information I have presented thus far violates the Second
> Law of Thermodynamics. You are absolutely right. It does seem to but
> upon further consideration I realized that it DOES NOT violate the
> Second Law as we understand it. The problem seems to be a misapplication
> of the second law in this case. A misapplication which has gone
> unchallenged for a long time now. I am going to explain why this is so
> through the use of an analogy and hopefully I can do it clearly enough
> so that we don't have to digress into pointless arguments over it's
> validity.
> The first question that I had to ask was; if this is impossible then
> how can any system work? I decided to compare the use of water as a fuel
> source with the use of fossil fuels. Both are available in large
> quantities in a natural (raw) state on this planet. Water as water which
> usually contains varying amounts of diverse pollutants in both solid
> form as particulates and in solution. Crude oil is available in a thick
> sludgy form (most commonly) which also contains various pollutants. The
> chemical formula for water is H2O and the chemical formula of gasoline
> for example is C8H18.
> What do we see in common so far? It can be argued that these are two
> totally different compounds and that is true but please follow along for
> a bit. Both of these compounds are without doubt Hydrogen compounds
> aren't they? Water is hydrogen with oxygen and gasoline is hydrogen with
> carbon.
> Another similarity is that both of these substances have to be
> changed or "refined" from their natural state into something that we can
> best utilize as a fuel. Crude oil into gasoline and various other
> products and water into hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
> So with that in mind we have to first think about exactly what we
> need to do to get crude oil from it's resting place under the earth to
> the gas pumps at our local convenience store. First we have to set up
> drilling equipment to sink a hole into the earth, down to where the oil
> is. Once that is done we have to pump the oil up and transport it to a
> refinery. At the refinery we have to cook it to separate the various
> grades of fuels that we will use. Then we have to transport these
> finished products to distribution centers and finally deliver them to
> your local retail outlet.
> During this whole process we have obviously used an incredible amount
> of energy, haven't we? Imagine that we could do all of these things at
> one site. Then imagine that there are ways to convert the products of
> the burning of this fuel (gasoline) i.e.: C8H14->Carbon Dioxide, Carbon
> Monoxide and water back into gasoline. After all you end up with all of
> the original components, just mixed into different compounds so you
> should be able to remanufacture gasoline from exhaust gasses just by
> taking O2 back out of the mix, right <grin>? Actually though, why not?
> And what if you did find a way to do that? I guess that it would THEN
> violate the second law of thermodynamics wouldn't it? After all it
> doesn't take more energy to produce gasoline than is given off by
> burning it does it? If it does than something is very wrong here!
> Or conversely, what if you took raw water and "refined" it into fuel
> gas H2 and oxidizer O2 and then burned them together to produce energy
> and instead of condensing the resulting exhaust gasses you just vented
> them into the atmosphere and pumped some more raw water out of your
> well? That way an H2O fuel source WOULDN'T VIOLATE THE SECOND LAW UNDER
> End of part 2
> MJ
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