SWB ( )
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 13:44:15 -0500 wrote:
> I wonder if anyone could advise me as to whether my strategy is sound at this
> time: my subscription to my ISP provides free hosting of pages for members,
> and there is a promotion of sorts (it appears) that if you upload all your
> pages to the ISP's "hometown" you get 12 megs worth of space for as many
> pages as you wish (as opposed to the standard 2 meg). I am relatively new to
> the web, although reasonably computer literate. Is 12 meg enough for mostly
> simple text, and some gif images, and some links, and a counter? What kind
> of ballpark number of pages can I expect to get out of 12meg?


It sounds like you should have plenty of space for your needs, as you
have described it. The major factor to consider is how large your images
files are. If you eventually intend to write a book the size of 'War and
Peace', that may not apply.

If high quality images are important to your presentation, then try
uploading what you have. If your space is too small you can always
change it.

Since you have gif images, they may already be sufficently small. As you
may know, photos and some graphics files can be quite large; and in
theory you could fill up your alloted space with just one picture.

If you need, or would like to reduce the size of your images for the
sake of the loading time of your web page; then, you need to use a
graphics program to reduce the size of your images to the smallest
possible file size, which gives you an image quality you can live with.
You can do that by exporting the file as a jpg.

I assume you have some sort of graphics program. If you don't, I may be
able to email you a small shareware program to do the job. Let me know
if I can help; or, if you have any further questions.


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