The FEP v1.0, an easy way to tap free electrons from the
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 11:20:12 EDT

Dear All,

I have updated my web site with a new experiment that I have done
successfully, the FEP (The Free Electrons Pump).

This device is based on the Stefan Hartmann's experiment released on October
26th, 1999 : "The Electron Pumping FL tube light".

Now, I have reproduced and tested successfully the Hartmann's basic device
and improved the design, so I have built the Free Electrons Pump v1.0 :

The FEP v1.0 is an enhanced version which uses a spherical capacitor coupled
with the earth atmosphere. As Nikola Tesla has used in the Power Wave
experiment in Colorado springs in June 26, 1899 and also during his tests of
the first models of the Tesla Magnifier Amplifier tower, the FEP v1.0 uses
the same principle for sucking free electrons from the atmosphere : " To
produce an electrical movement of the required magnitude it is desirable to
charge the terminal as highly as possible, for while a great quantity of
electricity may also be displaced by a large capacity charged to low
pressure, there are disavantages met with in many cases when the former is
made too large. The chief of theses are due to the fact that an increase of
the capacity entails a lowering of the frequency impulses or discharges and
diminution of energy of vibration....." ( Tesla US Patent number 1,119,736 :
"Apparatus for transmitting electrical energy" (issued Dec. 1, 1914) ).

You will find all pictures, diagrams and tests results at :

Best Regards,

Jean-Louis Naudin

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