Re: Un-scientific definitions

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 20:01:41 -0500

Hi John,
One last thing... One mistake you are making is the same that so many
others have, in defining these terms. You are taking the knowledge that
you already know of photons, and then stating, yeah I understand how that
definition could be used, and thus determining it to be correct to a
degree. Instead, look at it as if you had no idea of what a photon is, and
then read the definitions and then you will see the disparity and vagueness
among them. Again with the geomagnetic poles versus the directions North
and South, we would have been better off if they just used different terms
for the directions and the magnetic poles, having the Earth's magnetic
poles and those of magnets match each other, and then have the directional
terms be something different, although it is easy to see how it happened to
be the way it is now.
One other example I can think of at this time is with the direction that
electricity flows. I first learned that it flows from negative to
positive, but I am sure there are many people out there that will disagree
and say that it flows from positive to negative. (again I do not wish to
argue this point) Just another example of where there is confusion, and
how this confusion makes it difficult for newcomers to try and learn about
such things. I do not wish to argue over the fine points as it appears
you are in agreement with me to a degree, and are only being picky about
the examples. As I stated in the first message of this thread, I was
basically just making a complaint, and have since spent much more time on
this subject then I intended, and thus this will be my last reply on this
subject. With all that being said, I also wish to say that I did
appreciate the feedback, but wish to move on as this discussion is getting
us nowhere.


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