Re: Un-scientific definitions

John Berry ( )
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:56:45 +1300

Agreed, and indeed the "current" flows from positive to negative, but the
"current" is a fictional artifact.
I was thinking of posting proof as Jerry would prefer, but I would have to then
prove the direction the "electrons" flow as opposite to this fictional
"current" so figured stuff it. (just to make it clear electrons DO flow from
negative to positive)
I agree that most definitions only serve their own purpose, I see what you are
saying, just verifying that none of them are really incorrect, but they are
incomplete and if you didn't know what a photon was you could become very
confused, there is also the "virtual" photon (that is what they claim magnetic
flux is made of) and other such subjects that I think are incorrect, I was just
wondering if you found any real flaw in the conventional definition.
It is like defining a person, they are a lump of matter, they are form and
energy, they are a personality, they are a son or daughter and possibly
husband or wife and maybe farther or mother, and nothing in between.
Now I feel a song coming on ;)

Now we just need to argue if the field lines of magnetic and electric fields
are pointing in the right direction, and if that direction is indicative of any
real flow ;)

Oh dear, what if there is a magnetic shift in the earth and we swap our
definition "before" the magnetic pole reversal? (so after it shifts we will be
where we started) Then we can argue as to if the greatest threat is from
magnetic pole reversal or the theory of physical pole shift....

I really think that there should be a site that "clarifies" the problem of
magnetic poles, electric current, and the field line directions, Sounds like
William Beatys cup of tea.

John Berry

Russell Garber wrote:

> Hi John,
> One last thing... One mistake you are making is the same that so many
> others have, in defining these terms. You are taking the knowledge that
> you already know of photons, and then stating, yeah I understand how that
> definition could be used, and thus determining it to be correct to a
> degree. Instead, look at it as if you had no idea of what a photon is, and
> then read the definitions and then you will see the disparity and vagueness
> among them. Again with the geomagnetic poles versus the directions North
> and South, we would have been better off if they just used different terms
> for the directions and the magnetic poles, having the Earth's magnetic
> poles and those of magnets match each other, and then have the directional
> terms be something different, although it is easy to see how it happened to
> be the way it is now.
> One other example I can think of at this time is with the direction that
> electricity flows. I first learned that it flows from negative to
> positive, but I am sure there are many people out there that will disagree
> and say that it flows from positive to negative. (again I do not wish to
> argue this point) Just another example of where there is confusion, and
> how this confusion makes it difficult for newcomers to try and learn about
> such things. I do not wish to argue over the fine points as it appears
> you are in agreement with me to a degree, and are only being picky about
> the examples. As I stated in the first message of this thread, I was
> basically just making a complaint, and have since spent much more time on
> this subject then I intended, and thus this will be my last reply on this
> subject. With all that being said, I also wish to say that I did
> appreciate the feedback, but wish to move on as this discussion is getting
> us nowhere.
> -Russ
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