Experiment with psionics

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:01:06 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following was sent in by Dave Nelson at dfnelson@netdoor.com ;

Once upon a time I came across a couple of what are to me anomalies. I
would appreciate if someone could explain what energies were involved so
I can throw away some of my New Age/Old Age superstitions.

I took a length of iron wire of about 32 inches in length and of 14 or
16 gauge. I bent it slightly at the exact middle and then set it upon a
length of 3/4 wood dowel. From that middle portion I started winding
one leg of it around the dowel in a left hand twist away from me.

I then removed the dowel and wound the other leg around the coil I just
made in a counter-clockwise direction, and with a left hand twist. I
unwound the last 3 to 4 inches of both legs and folded them
perpendicular to the plane of the coil, and in a "V".

I then suspended the coil from the ceiling with a string attached to one
of the individual coils that was wrapped around the first underlying
coil. It looked like a big "O" hanging with the two extensions at the
bottom bent upwards until the coil was perfectly vertical.

This coil was hung in a corner a foot or so below the ceiling. There
were no air currents to disturb it, nor anything in proximity that would
create any sort of appreciable magnetic or electrical field.

The "antennae" of this coil would usually point SE in the morning and SW
in the evening. Most of the time it would oscillate in a 15-30 degrees
of arc, occasionally it would stay very still. Some times it would
point to a different direction for a day or two at a time, and hold

As it was a sort of experiment in interaction of electrical and magnetic
currents, I imagined it was reacting to some sort of strong
electro-magnetic fields somewhere, however this thing got kind of spooky
sometimes in its animation. Some days it was very active, and
occasionally it was very still.

It appeared that a change in energy levels of some sort was the trigger.
On the less active days, when someone entered the room it would start to
move, with the "antennae" usually pointing toward that person and
following them.

Many times in the quiescent periods I could start it moving by looking
at it. That is something that I too had my doubts about, but it is
true. Not forcing it to move with my will, just focusing my eyes on the

On many days when it was extra active, it would make almost full circle
oscillations and when it hit the end of the swing the bottom of the
vertical suspended coil would actually tilt some 20 degrees, with the
"antennae" rising upwards dramatically. Unless it was really active,
you could always place your finger near one of the "antennae" and
manipulate the direction it would turn towards. I assume it reacted to
Kirlian fields, also.

A while after making that item, I got another wild hair and created a
project in my back yard. Based upon some perceived principles I
developed of tapping into the earth's magnetic flux, I arranged ferrous
material in the rough equivalent of the numeral 6, with the top oriented

This area was about 10 feet in diameter, and had some additional items
placed according to a particular geometric pattern that possessed a
number of harmonics.

There was also a 3 foot mild steel, 1 inch diameter rod placed in the
ground between the tip of the 6 and the loop, that was inductively
magnetized with a coil, and then remained magnetized. It was pretty
crude, but it created some sort of electromagnetic effect that lingered
even some time after it was dismantled.

That includes later described effects, no TV reception, and some other
strangeness. It actually took a little alternative technology to remove
it, but I won't get into that. No, it was nothing of a "spiritual"

This rod I magnetized was strong enough to override the earth's magnetic
field from a couple of yards away. The 3 foot welding rod I had used
for a compass would turn to it instead of the magnetic north even
standing 2-3 feet north of the rod.

My hanging coil that was some 30 feet away in a CBS house turned toward
the structure and stayed there as long as the effect remained. Taking
the coil outside and walking around the perimeter while it was suspended
from a string caused the coil to remain pointed toward the center of the
structure. The magnetized rod didn't affect it.

The oddest thing about this setup came about after sitting inside the
structure for many minutes. After going back into the house I started
playing around with my Simpson 260 analog multimeter.

I found that when set on microamps and holding the probes in either
hand, that the meter would indicate reverse polarity. Switching the
probes in my hands or any other surface area would show the same thing.

It also did it on the other adult and two children that were in the room
and had sat with me inside the structure. The only way to get a normal
polarity reading was tongue to skin. The only explanation I can come up
with for it doing that was that there was an interaction between myself
as a ground plane and the coil of the meter movement.

Whether it was something caused by being inside that structure, or the
structure itself influencing the the normal ground plane, I know not
which. Everything eventually returned to normal after the effects of
that structure were removed.
Being something I didn't understand, and it was too close to home, I
was hesitant about pursuing it any further at that time.

Can anyone tell me what sort of forces or field effects were causing
those phenomena?

Or why a dry wooden balloon stick should push away from a CBS house or
anything well grounded the same way a magnetic pole would do from a
similar pole for weeks after shooting a little juice through it?

Would a magnetic north pole and a positive electrical charge attract or
repel each other?

Can anyone understand that we are sitting on a very, very dynamic source
of energy, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical, that we shouldn't take
for granted, and needs to be examined in greater detail before we
inadvertently knock it out of kilter?

It is not the one big thing that will do the damage, it is a bunch of
smaller seemingly insignicant things over a period of time that will
add up and surprise you suddenly. More mind energy collectively tuned
to what is really here and how it works will do mankind a lot more good
than speculating about imaginary particles, and will more likely point
us in the right direction to understanding just what we are.

The tools to do so are already here.

Dave Nelson - dfnelson@netdoor.com

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -  jdecker@keelynet.com             http://www.keelynet.com             from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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